Friday, September 25, 2009

Video Series Starts This Week

If you meet yourself coming and going, you won't want to miss the new SPOTclass video series, The Hurried Family -- Help for the Hurried Home.

The series is moderated by Tim Kimmel, author of the best-selling book Little House on the Freeway. Kimmel has a very insightful and entertaining perspective on our lives of busy-ness. Most importantly, he discusses what the Bible says about priorities and shows us how they apply to our busy lives.

Brooks LaRowe will be leading class discussion this week, but Don Robbins will return to take his rightful place in that role Oct. 11. The video series runs 10 weeks and takes us right up to our Christmas Bible Study lessons.

SPOT the Changes

Remember those trick pictures you used to show your kids before they became teenagers? You know, two virtually identical photos and you had to pick out the differences. Well, SPOTclass is sort of like that. While most everything looks and feels the same, there are significant changes to look for.
• Our new class director is Kevin Hurt. Kevin has stepped up to fill the SPOT recently vacated by Rusty Phillips -- welcome to the executive suite, Kevin! Rusty can fill you in on the perks.

• Class communications will undergo some significant improvements with the creation of The Take a look at this new class SPOT by clicking this link, This site will allow us to communicate with you more quickly, especially urgent prayer requests. Kevin will explain how it all works this week and, over the next few months, you'll discover how this integrated communications site will help us all stay connected.

• Instead of an October SPOTlunch, we'll be doing a Sunday afternoon picnic. Details this Sunday.

SPOTlunch this week

This week, SPOTlunch will be at Bandana's Barbecue in Sunset Hills. The restaurant is located on Gravois Road, just west of Lindbergh, behind Sunset Ford. Bandana's features a wide variety of really good barbecue beef, pork, chicken and sides. Everything there is great, except maybe the boiled peanuts. I suppose they're good, too, if you like that kind of thing! Don't miss this opportunity to SMELL THAT SMOKE and share a great time with us.

Holy Cow Root Beer Floats

SPOTclass will be sponsoring the Holy Cow Root Beer Float booth at Concord's Fall Festival on Saturday, Oct.3 in the church's North parking lot. You can sign up to help in the booth and/or contribute to the SPOT Slush Fund to cover the cost of the ingredients. Look for the opportunity to do either when the SPOTfolder passes your way this week. You can also sign up to help at the new SPOTspot (not to be confused with TomTom).

Prayer Requests

• Mark and Dani Cotter's son Zach will be moving out of a dangerous neighborhood by the end of October. Pray for his continued safety until the move.

• Ryan Spitz will undergo surgery Friday after a procedure Sunday to re-inflate a collapsed lung. Pray for his complete recovery.

• Janice Meinhardt's daughter started a chemo drug for Sjogren's to try and lower her white blood cell count.

• Pray that doctors can get to the bottom of the pain that has sent Ronda Bradshaw to the hospital twice over the last few months.

• Don, Lori and Rebecca Robbins are flying to Denver Friday to pack up Lori's parents and bring them back to St. Louis permanently. Pray for their safety and wise decision-making.

• Kevin Hurt will undergo neck/back surgery soon to relieve pain that has been plaguing him for months.

• Remember Don Robbins' friend John and his church in St. Charles. John has been homeless and living at the church and, in the meantime, attendance at the small church has dwindled to only 30-40 regular attenders.

• Zenobia Perry is recovering at home after surgery on her elbow and wrist.

• Keep praying for the Hauffs as they cope with the death of Jeff's mother and niece.

• Remember the family, classmates, teachers and coaches of the Eureka football player who collapsed and died during a practice recently. Dave Borzillo, a Concord member, is a coach at Eureka.

• Concord Christmas show auditions are this Sunday, Sept. 27. Are we praying for lots of folks to audition or for class members to get good roles?


September 17 -- Janice Meinhardt

October 4 -- Ronda Bradshaw

We look forward to seeing you all in your SPOT this Sunday!

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