Friday, October 23, 2009


SPOTnik This Sunday

The annual SPOTluck picnic aka SPOTnik is this Sunday at Fenton Park. This year we'll be in the Hitzert Shelter. The shelter is located between the main softball fields and soccer fields. Look for a map and directions on the class blog,

We might even get a look at Pastor Gene in a different uniform!

We'll grill hamburgers and hotdogs and Kevin promises to get there early and have the coals hot when you arrive. Please bring side dishes and desserts. Unless you like rootbeer, you should bring your own drinks, too (non-alcoholic, of course). It also might be advisable to have a lawn chair in your trunk.

Even if you failed to sign up, you can still come. We particularly want to see some of our associate members -- just so we know what you look like! Bring $10, your picnic goodies, and your family for a great afternoon of fellowship and food. If you have questions, please call or email:

* The Hurts (314-843-0963) or
* The LaRowes (636-343-3609)

Video Series Part 5

This Sunday, Tim Kimmel shift gears, moving from the causes of our hurried lives to some of the consequences and what God says about taking time for the important things in life. Take a look at I John 4:18 and John 10:10 to prep for this Sunday's class.

This marks the midpoint in our series The Hurried Family, Help for the Hurried Home. Don Robbins returns to his rightful place at the podium to facilitate our discussion.

We're still very interested in your feedback about this series so far. Share your thoughts on the class blog,

CSM Parent Meeting November 8

The Concord Student Ministries leadership team will be conducting one of its quarterly Parent Meetings on Sunday, Nov. 8 after second hour in the Rafters. Jeremy and Sarah will be discussing upcoming activities and seeking your input.

If you have any questions or comments about CSM, the new Sunday and Wednesday format, or need information about upcoming activities, you won't want to miss this meeting.

College Care Packages

SPOTclass will again sponsor the College Care Package ministry. Over the next few weeks, we'll solicit the names of Concord's college students around the country and send them goodies to tide them over through finals. We'll set a baking date soon, so stay tuned!

If you know of any students away at school, or have one or more yourself, please email their name and address information to

Christmas Project

The SPOTclass is collecting items for the Missouri Baptist Children's Home in the festively decorated box in our classroom. If we fill the box, we'll find another one. A comprehensive list of the items the Children's Home is seeking is included on the new class blog.

Prayer List

* Kevin Hurt leared the results of his tests this week and it appears that more test are in order. Things are still very unclear.
* Ginger LaRowe's family is still awaiting word on her Aunt Mary who has been near death for more than a week.
* Mary Jane LaRowe is suffering from the Swine Flu. This is not fun.
* Pray for the team going on the Mexico mission trip.
* Please pray for the Christmas Show -- those included and those who will see and be affected by it -- and for God's grace and mercy to work through this ministry for His glory.
* For safe travels for Mark Cotter, Zack Haselhorst, and all other students heading back to college this weekend.

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