Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday Update!! 10/18/2009

Lesson Recap

Today we covered more of the Legacy of the 20th Century Family. We identified the following profiles:

Profile Four: Parents, intimidated by the future, are forcing their children to grow up too fast.

Profile Five: 21st century families will be handicapped by the 20th century inventions of adolescence and mandatory retirement!

Profile Six: Future families will be weakened by an entire generation that was educated in an environment that did not recognize moral absolutes.

Profile Seven: Families are embracing the success fantasy.

Remember that rest is a choice. Scripture references Mt. 1 18:4-6, Isaiah 5:20-21, Mt. 6:31-33


As has been mentioned here and elsewhere many times, the class picnic is next Sunday after class at Fenton Park. The shelter is different this year, and is the shelter behind the softball fields. Cost is $10 per family...and bring either a dessert or a side dish. REMEMBER THAT YOU DON"T HAVE TO ATTEND SUNDAY CLASS TO COME!!!! WE WOULD LOVE TO HAVE YOU!!! Just be sure and RSVP if you haven't already so that we know how much meat to purchase!

SPOT Camping Trip

YES. We know it's early...but the date for next years camping trip has been set (pending no high school mission trip on these dates!) The dates will be June 25-27. The location will be different this trip. We are looking at a three bedroom house with the ability to camp on the grounds.

It's private!
The house can sleep 10!! (tents outside are unlimited!)
Indoor bathrooms (2) and shower (1)!
Full fire pit, smoker, and 2 bar-b-que pits!
Fishing on small private lake!!
Trout fishing at Bennett Spring State Park (nearby)!!
Floating the gentle Niangua River!

Other than the limited number of bathrooms...I can't come up with anything!


Prayer Requests

-Pig flu in LaRowe household.
-Pray for the team going on the Mexico mission trip.
-Please pray for the Christmas Show-those included and those who will see and be affected by it. God's grace and mercy to work through this ministry for His glory.
-For safe travels for Mark Cotter, Zack Heisehorst, and all other students heading back to college this weekend.

General Reminders

-Please don't forget our Christmas box for the Missouri Baptist Children's Home.
-Also a date will soon be set for baking for the College Care Packages. We also need names and addresses of kids to send these to!

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