Friday, October 16, 2009


Video Series Continues


This Sunday is Part 4 of our video series The Hurried Family, Help for the Hurried Home.   In this edition, Tim Kimmel discusses how we've jammed more responsibilities into a shorter window of our lives, while assigning both our teenagers and our seniors, like bookends,  to holding patterns of life with few responsibilities or relevance.  Prep for class by reading Matthew 18:4-6 and 6:31-33 and Isaiah 5:20-21.


Class discussion follows and we'll share our experiences of trying to spend time each day talking to other members of our family. 


We're very interested in your feedback about this series so far.  Share your thoughts on the class blog,  While you're there, check out an interesting secular piece written on the affects of technology on the family.








October's SPOTlunch will return to Fenton Park this year as our annual SPOTnik on Sunday, Oct. 25.  We'll grill hamburgers and hotdogs, but the side dishes and desserts will be strictly SPOTluck. 


Just $10 per family reserves your SPOT at this fun event.  Be sure to sign up this week when the SPOTfolder makes the rounds.  Watch for more details and a map on the class blog, 




College Care Packages


SPOT class will again sponsor the College Care Package ministry.  Over the next few weeks, we'll solicit the names of Concord's college students around the country and send them goodies to tide them over through finals.  We'll set a baking date soon, so stay tuned!




Christmas Project


The SPOTclass will also be collecting items for the Missouri Baptist Children's Home.  In our class you'll find a festively decorated box for your donated items.  And if we fill the box, we'll find another one.  A comprehensive list of the items the Children's Home is seeking is included on the new class blog.  Check out




Prayer List

Zenobia Perry's team, Ryan's Rappers, raised over $12,000 at last week's Autism Speaks walk in Forest Park.  Look for photos and other highlights on Zenobia's website,

Kevin Hurt is recovering from tests earlier this week and hopes to know the results late next week so he and the doctors can determine a treatment plan.

Ginger LaRowe's Aunt Mary was near death at this writing.  Pray for Gin's mother, her brother and fellow SPOTclass member Phil Stewart and her sister Jeanne (from Kansas City) who will accompany their mom to Virginia for the funeral. 

We're thankful Ginger's plague this week was not the Pig Flu. 



SPOTclass Summer Activities Planned


SPOTclass will camp and float again in 2010!  Three families participated in last year's weekend outing in southeast Missouri and we're hoping to double the numbers this year.

Keep your calendars open for dates to be announced soon.


The annual formerly Young Adult Concord Families Retreat at Windermere has been scheduled for July 9-12, 2010.  (Windermere is located near Camdenton, MO on the Lake of the Ozarks.)  Reservations and deposits are needed ASAP.  For more information, contact Brenda Kirkpatrick,




SPOT Snacks


It will be hard to top last Sunday's muffin baskets by Lori Robbins!  Here's who is taking on the challenge for the next two weeks:


October 18 -- Kay Massey


October 25 -- Linda Conrad





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