Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Parents Meeting Update!!!

While there were a large number of parents in attendance at the Nov. 8 quarterly CSM Parents' Meeting, we know not all SPOT parents could make it. Here's a brief summary of what was discussed and recommendations considered.

The primary topic of discussion was change to the CSM program implemented this fall.

* Jeremy/Sarah explained the new program is part of an overall strategy to provide more concrete Bible study options for students.

* The new CSM program is designed to provide options to all students at whatever their level of faith, but not to try to serve ALL students through ALL activities. They described a funnel with four levels of activities, each appealing to a narrower audience (based on spiritual maturity):
o Open and seeker-friendly events
+ Back-to-School parties

+ Retreats (Breakaway, Big Chill)

o Youth Worship
+ Wednesday nights at 6:30

o Bible study for youth
+ Sunday mornings

o Small Groups for youth seeking deeper Bible study in a relationship-building community

* The structure called for schedule adjustments and leadership changes.
o CSM leadership and older youth will lead worship for the foreseeable future.
+ Jeremy/Sarah want students focused on worship, not performance.

o Worship, not small groups, is now the focus of Wednesday night activity.
+ Small groups with universal membership became social activities, rather than relationship-building Bible studies.

While most parents endorsed and promoted the goals of the new stucture, and many said their students had benefited greatly from the changes, there are concerns:

* Many parents stated the changes were not well communicated to parents or students prior to implementation.

* New Wednesday praise band structure (CSM leadership/college students) is misunderstood.

o Jeremy/Sarah believe more mature leadership is needed.
o Some parents say their younger students feel unappreciated and rejected.

* Parents voiced concerns that the schedule changes result in several unintended consequences.
o Many small groups cannot find a suitable time to meet during the week.
o Parents with students in both Bible study hours cannot attend worship with all their children .
o Some 11th & 12th grade students in first-hour Bible study no longer attend worship services.
+ Students say they do not like the music in second service.

+ Jeremy/Sarah believe worship style should not be an issue.

o Some 6th-10th graders are coming only for second-hour Bible study and not attending worship.
+ Some parents who bring students for one hour attend second-hour worship only.

The meeting resulted in recommendations for changes to respond to some of these concerns.

* The 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Wednesday time slot will be available for small groups wishing to meet at that time.
o No other conflicting youth activities will be scheduled during this time (after completion of the Foosball Tournament now underway).

o Jeremy/Sarah will advise small group leaders of this option.

* A new location will be sought to enable 11th & 12th grade students to meet during 10:30 Bible study hour.
o SPOT class members volunteered to move to another location during 10:30 Bible study if no other suitable rooms are available.

* Jeremy/Sarah will send out a survey soon to parents seeking input on how CSM can best serve the needs of Concord students.

* Jeremy/Sarah will develop measures to gauge the success of various aspects of the CSM program. Among them:
o Attendance at CSM activities
o Percentage of high school graduates still attending a church regularly while away at college.

Jeremy and Sarah also shared plans for mission trips and other CSM activities:

* Middle Schoolers will work in various ministries in the St. Louis inner city and sleep over at church (June).
* High School students will work with Native Americans in South Dakota (June).
* Passion 2010, a conference geared to college students in Atlanta, will be open to a limited number of 12th grade students (January).

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