Monday, December 21, 2009

Prayer Request

Janice Meinhardt's daughter Claudia unexpectedly had her gall bladder removed today. The doctor said she could wait until after Christmas to have the surgery, but since he had an opening in his schedule and she had been in the ER for about 8 hours he would suggest getting it done. Her doctor had doubled her chemo drug to try to get the white blood cell count down, so hopefully with the infected gall bladder gone the white blood cell will go down enough that she can go back on chemo just once a week for a while longer. Pray for an uneventful recovery and God's healing hand.

Sunday Update!!!!

OK.  Officially a day late in getting this up, but Sunday afternoon was an interesting one here in this please forgive the delay!

Lesson Recap

In class we learned and delved deeper into the Christmas story...and how it can be seen elsewhere!!  Thanks Don, for another great lesson!

A sort of a calm...

With no class next week we have sort of a break for the holidays from class!  I hope everyone has a blessed and safe Christmas.  Hopefully, we will see you at the Christmas Eve services, and next Sunday as well.  I will be keeping the blog updated over the holidays, so remember that any prayer requests can be emailed to  See you in '10!!!

Prayer Requests

-Daniel Massey is recovering quicker than anticipated from wisdom teeth surgery!
-Mary Jane LaRowe and her soon (today) to be missing wisdom teeth.
-Linda Conrad needs to get over the coughing crud.
-Kevin Hurt has an angiogram of his carotid artery and brain scheduled for tomorrow. It will be an all day affair! Hopefully, a lot of answers are coming soon!
-Prayer for safe travels for everyone during the holiday seaon.  Andrew Conrad headed back to Orlando yesterday and will head back to STL on Christmas Eve.  Zenobia, Ryan, and Jaclyn will be headed to Texas.  Plus all others traveling that weren't mentioned!
-Lastly, pray for all of the Concord services...that lives may be touched and the Light of Christ is seen!