Saturday, January 2, 2010

SPOTmail Update!!!!

Lesson Prep

As we start a new year, we also begin a new study series. We will look at the book of Mark for the next few months. I am calling the study "Marks of Discipleship."

Before we get hot and heavy into Mark's message, we first need to answer some questions. For example:
• Who is Mark?
• When did he write his letter and who was his target?
• What was his motivation for writing?
We'll answer these questions, plus others, so come with your questions and we'll address them also.

In an unrelated matter -- I want to thank each of you for the words of encouragement you penned in the Christmas card and the generous gift.

However, I want you to know that my reward is twofold:
• The relationship I enjoy with each of you and
• The privilege you give me to teach God's Word.
As we contemplate new year's resolutions, let's consider the following -- becoming more Christ-like through the study of His Word and application of its truths in our daily lives. I'll help you if you will help me!

Enjoy ringing in 2010 and I'll see you Sunday!

Snack Makers
• January 3 -- Dani Cotter
• January 10 -- Linda Conrad

Super Bowl Party

Mark your calendars for a class Super Bowl Party at the LaRowes on February 7. Watch for more details in the weeks ahead. In the meantime, let's root for Kurt Warner's return to the classic -- this time to win it again and regain center stage for his witness to Christ.

Prayer List
• Successful gall bladder surgery for Janice Meinhart's daughter Claudia just days before Christmas.
• LaRowes are home safely from a 3-day visit to Chicago where they returned their daughter Sally to school and helped her celebrate her 21st birthday.

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