Friday, March 5, 2010

"Signs" of a Future Lesson

We continue our journey through the book of Mark.

This week's lesson is about signs. Do you remember the words of that 70s hit?

"Sign, sign, everywhere a sign, blocking out the scenery, breaking my mind.
Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign?"

The question we will attempt to answer is, "How do I develop my faith?" What are the "signs?" The lesson will come from chapter 8, verses 11 - 33. However, to put it in context, you will also want to read chapter 7.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Signing off,

Trivia Night

Thanks to everyone who helped us put together a wonderful basket for the Silent Auction during the CSM Trivia Night on Saturday. Proceeds from the trivia event and silent auction help fund CSM's high school mission trip this summer.

All together, our "Night at the Movies" basket is valued at nearly $100. We hope it yields some strong bids.

Now it's time for trivia, and we'll see if one of our church teams can claim the crown or if the title goes to one of our visiting teams. There will be more than 40 teams competing on Saturday. We hope the fire marshall doesn't stop by!

• 3/7 -- Kay Smith
• 3/14 -- Dani Cotter
Prayer Requests
• Kevin Hurt was actually back in church Wednesday night! Miracles still happen every day. Kevin is even planning to compete at the SPOT table at CSM Trivia Saturday. Keep him in your prayers.
• Don Massey has requested prayer for help balancing all of the demands of home and work over the coming weeks.
• Please pray for Cathy Boemler and her sons Chris and Derek after the loss of their husband / father suddenly last week. He died in his sleep.

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