Monday, March 22, 2010


Lesson Recap

In this lesson we covered Mark chapter 10:32-chapter 13, and we looked at expectations.  We started by discussing the expectations we have of our teens, and they of us. We then covered five sets of expectations found in Mark.

Verses 11:1-11 Expectation of the Crowd:   Here we see that Jesus had taken care of every detail.  As he entered the city on the colt there was jubilation, as the crowd thought that Jesus was to be their conquering king.  They expected him to save them from the harsh Roman rule.

Verses 12-14, 20-21 Jesus' Expectation from the Tree: Jesus was looking for cooperation from his creation and used the tree to illustrate a truth.  Jesus wanted to take care of spiritual needs, while most expected Him to take care of their physical needs.

Verses 27-12:40 Expectation of the Religious Authority: The religious leaders expected to catch Jesus by asking him many questions.  They failed.  They wanted to catch him with trick questions, and wanted to see him killed because they thought He lied.

Verses 41-44 Expectation of the Widow: The widow gave the least, but Jesus praised her as giving more than anyone.  When you give all you have all that is left is God!  Here Jesus saw the great depth of commitment to God.  He also detected the widows great sacrifice, and blesses her as giving the most noble gift of all!

Chapter 13 Expectation of a Day to Come:  This whole chapter is Jesus talking about the Kingdom to come.  One day he will return for his Church, and claim the "insiders"!

What expectation does Jesus have of you?

30 Hour Famine

The 30 Hour Famine is coming, and our youth prepared by sleeping in the cold night in their cardboard village.  They fasted for 15 hours in preparation for their full 30 hours starting on April 24th at 11:30.  The event was covered by Channel 2 news.  You can see the video here.

The students will be collecting donations to help feed children in Ethiopia.  You can donate directly with your student, or donate at the booth set up in the Atrium.  You can also head over to the CSM website for more details. 

Poll Results

The results of our activity poll are in.  We had a wide variety of ideas.  I have chosen the top three and will announce them Sunday!!  These events will be held over the next three months!

Church Paintball Event

As mentioned previously on the blog, a church group is getting together for a day of paintball!  You can find the details in the prior blog post.  There are several large bar-b-que pits at the paintball facility, so if someone wants to spearhead a cook out that day (April 10th), you can get in touch with Bob Hohmeier at  314-541-7429 or via email at 


The postponed SPOTlunch at Ce Ce's Pizza will be held after class on Sunday.  We will be visiting the South Lindbergh location (across the street from Sinclair Ford, in front of Home Depot).  We have about 12 coupons for buy one get one free!

Easter EGGStravaganza

We can still use a few more volunteers to man a game booth at the EGGStravaganza this Saturday from 8:30 to noon.  Email if you would like to help us man the "Knock It Over" game, and socailize with the kids (and adults!).

Not a Fan

I know I have mentioned this in class, but I wanted to pass along the link for those who are Facebooker's for the Not A Fan group for Completely Committed Follwers.  You can become a fan by visiting their Facebook page.  This is an amazing group that will challenge your faith daily!

Prayer Requests

- Pray for Rusty's friend at work who is about to retire.  He may have dementia or Alzheimer's.  
- Pray for Rob Elder who is in St. Johns doing a stress test.
- Pray for Lori's dad. He is doing about the same.  His breathing is OK, but they are still running tests and deciding how to help him.  He is in Barnes Jewish.
- Pray for Dani's Friend Darla Boyer and her father and mother.  Mrs. Boyer had surgery for a broken hip, and suffered  massive stroke during surgery and will not make it.  Mr. and Mrs. Boyer have been married 70 years, and Darla is an only child.


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