Thursday, April 22, 2010



"Crazy Love" Study - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 in our study of "Crazy Love" starts out sort of crazy.

Author Francis Chan reminds us that just because we begin reading the chapter is no assurance that we'll finish it!  Now why would he say that? 

Could it be because it is so long?  The table of contents does not indicate that it's abnormally long.  Perhaps it's very boring.  We'll just yawn and put it aside before finishing.  Well, if you have not yet read Chapter 2, perhaps this teaser will inspire you to do so!

In keeping with the topic this week -- can you solve this riddle?  What do funeral homes and heaven have in common?  Will take your responses Sunday.

See you then,


Lion's Choice is the destination of SPOTlunch this Sunday.  There are actually three possible destinations, one on South Lindbergh near I-55, one on Watson Road in Sunset Hills, and there's even a location in Fenton (though not recommended, unless you also want gas and a car wash).

South Lindbergh would seemingly be the most equi-distant location for everyone, but we'll let the diners attending the event this Sunday decide.


There have been numerous reports of PURPLE POTTY sitings on SPOTclass members' lawns over the last week or two.  The "attractive" lawn ornament is designed to extort -- er -- flush out additional funds for this weekend's 30-Hour Famine -- a CSM-led fast, raising awareness and money to combat world hunger.  The national event is sponsored by World Vision.

A not-so-well publicized aspect of this "promotion" was the availability of Potty Insurance, which protected potential victims from the mysterious Purple Potty pranksters.  Insurance was $15, or you could pay CSM $15 for removal and relocation when the wandering water closet appeared in your front yard.

In other words, you could pay 'em in advance or pay 'em after the fact, but save the embarrassment.  Either way, you had to pay!

Should the Purple Potty return next year, SPOTmail predicts that potty protection policies will be a popular investment.

Seriously, please pray for our CSM students as they focus on helping the truly needy in our world.  For more details, contact the church office, 314-843-3500


We'll be bowling at 5 p.m. next Sunday, May 2, at Brunswick Lakeside Lanes in Valley Park.  It will be two hours of noisy fun at a cost of roughly $5 per person (with coupons).  That also includes shoe rental and a pitcher of soda for every six folks in attendance.  So strike all the conflicts from your calendar and make sure you have time to spare for this special SPOT event!

  • 4/25 -- Karen & Rusty Phillips
  • 5/2 --  This information was unavailable at press time.  (Check the SPOTblog.)

Apparently, everyone took author Francis Chan's admonition to heart last week and stopped praying.  There were no prayer requests. 

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