Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday Update!!!

Wow. This weeks Sunday Update is actually here on Sunday!!!!

Lesson Update

The title of today's study on the book "Crazy Love" was titled "Leftovers"!  This is one of the hardest chapters of the book...even Chan says so!

Chan speaks of reading the Bible as if one has never read it before.  What if we only had the Bible to read?   Would we see the message of commitment differently than we currently practice?  It is an all or nothing experience!

We looked up Matthew 16:24-25 and Luke 14:33 and then worked on combining them into our own contemporary version.  Again we see the commitment that we need to make as a total one!
God wants our best, deserves our best, and demands our best.  Not our leftovers!!  Read Gen 4:5, Hosea 13:6 and Malachi 1:8.

What is love?  How do we do love?  Try taking 1 Cor 13:4-7 and personalize it.  Put your name where "It" appears!

Conclusion: Choose to answer one of the following:
      Why I choose to give God my leftovers?
      Why I desire to give God all that I am!
Strawberry Festival

As mentioned last week, the Missouri Baptist Children's Home is holding it's annual Strawberry Festival and they need our help in our Concord Milkshake Booth!   Supplies are needed, as well as bodies to man the booth on 6/12.  See last weeks update for details and contact info!

Camping Trip

It's getting close!!!  If you are going on the camping trip and haven't gotten a copy of the small info packet, email the blog here at and I will get one out to you quickly. Also, the $5 per person for the barbecue is needed within the next week or so.


OK.  Here's how Browniepalooza is going to work.  On 6/27 instead of a single class snack, we are asking everyone to make their favorite brownie recipe (box or from scratch!).  Keep half to share with your family at home, and bring the rest to trade and share at class!  Cold milk will be provided!  You may even want to bring a few copies of your recipe in case other want it!  It will be a fudgy day!

Special Day!!

It was brought to the blogmeister's attention that we didn't have some information.  As a result we failed to wish Don and Kay Massey a happy anniversary last Friday!

SPOT Lunch

SPOTlunch will be next week after class at the IHOP in Gravois Bluff!!  To avoid the wait we had last time, we are going to reserve a few tables for class.  What we need for you to do is to RSVP by Saturday!  Email with your RSVP so that we can get the proper head count!  (You can also just respond to any blog update email!)

Baseball, anyone???

Brad Slinkard has many Cardinal tickets for the evening game on Saturday, June 19th!!  These tickets are 1/2 price, to boot.  So get a great seat for only $13!!!!  See Brad Slinkard for details!

Prayer Requests  

-Lori asked for prayers that her Dad stays well all week.  She will be going to get him on Thursday, and will bring him back to Saint Louis on Friday.


...just for making the reading this far...a bonus video just for you!


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