Friday, August 20, 2010

Weekly Recap!!!

Lesson Recap

On Sunday we studied Gideon. In a time where quite a few of the people of the generation after Joshua worshiped other Gods. This did not sit too well with the Lord.  You can read about his displeasure in Judges 2:20-21.  In fact, god said he was going to punish his people.  God did have mercy, however, as he raised up judges who saved them from the hands of raiders.

During the time of the Judges, there existed a cycle that consisted of the Israelites disobeying God, God using the people in the land to punish them, then they would cry out for mercy, and God would raise up a Judge to save them.  This continued over and over again.  Then along comes Gideon.  He is one of those Judges.  Another everyday person used by God.  Gideon's story is found in Judges 6-8.

Gideon sees himself as not worthy for this task. At this time, the Midianintes are picking on Israel.  Gideon even goes so far as to thresh his grain in the valley instead of a hill, where it should be done!  God comes to him and calls him a "mighty warrior".Gideon even tried to convince God that he is not this might warrior.

An attacking force is headed toward Gideon and his people. God comes to Gideon and tells him to prepare for battle.  Gideon has seen God do some pretty amazing making fire come out of a rock.  Even so, Gideon need a sign.  On two different occasions Gideon hangs up a fleece and uses this to test God and what he is saying.  After this, Gideon is convinced that God wants him to call theor forces together to get ready to fight.

The forces attacking Gideon numbered 135,000.  Gideon had 32,000. God needed to have that army much smaller so the Israelites could boast about how they took their foe!God told Gideon to keep trimming his army until he had just 300 soldiers.

God told the Israelites to have the groups to start blowing horns and breaking pots that contained fire.  Then the hoard began turning on each other with their swords, and Gidoen and his men chased them and routed them.

Special Days

We had a couple of special days yesterday.  Happy Anniversary to Ed and Paula Martin on their anniversary.  Happy Birthday to Jim Meinhardt.  Hope you all had happy days!

Next Lessons

We voted in class and our next to lessons are on Elijah and Daniel in chronological order (you get to figure out who is first!)


We also drew for SPOTlunch, which will occur this Sunday right after class.  We will be dining at Bandana's in Sunset Hill's, right behind Sunset Ford!

Root Beer Float Booth

Yes...the Fall Festival is right around the corner and we will be doing our infamous Root Beer Float Booth once again.  Keep and eye out for the folder, where we will be looking for donations for this ministry, as well as volunteers!

Prayer Requests
  • Jessica Bradshaw had a miscarriage this week.  Pray for physical and emotional healing
  • A lot of kids are headed off to college.       

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