Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap

We are getting started in our study of 1 and 2 Kings.  These were originally one book until the 16th century when it was found to be too big for one scroll.  Thus it was divided equally with no regard to storyline!  The author of Kings is unknown.  The books themselves list three sources:
1 Kings 11:41 "Book of annals of Solomon"
1 Kings 14:19 "Book of annals of the King of Israel"
1 Kings 14:29 "Book of annals of the King of Judah:

The book of 1 and 2 Kings is inspired by God as seen in 2 Tim 3:14-15, 1 Tim 4:13, and 2 Tim 3:16.

The last major event in the books is the fall of Jerusalem and the exile of God's people to Babylon in 587 B.C..  Evil Merodach succeeded to the throne in Babylon in 562 B.C.  The date of Kings as a completed work could fall sometime around 560 B.C. or soon after.

The prompting of the writing of Kings is the Holy Spirit.  From a historical standpoint, the specific events that spurred the writing are the afore mentioned destruction of Jerusalem and subsequent exile of God's people to Babylon.
1 and 2 Kings address the difficult questions about why God's people ended up in this exile, and why the foreign land fell prey to invaders.  This also brings up the questions:
-Is God still in charge?
-If so, what has become of God's promise to His people?

What are the major themes in Kings?
  1. The sovereignty of God. God is sovereign in history (Hezikiah's statement in 2 Kings 19:15).  God is sovereign in judgement.  God is sovereign in offering hope and restoration (2 Peter 3:9)
  2. God's covenant faithfulness.
  3. The vital role of true prophets.  Their role was to call the people to repentance and faithfulness.
  4. Spiritual role models.  Elijah and Elisha were pictures of faithfulness to God.  So was King Solomon at the start of his reign. Hezekiah sought God in the face of an overwhelming threat.  Josiah led in a spiritual renewal of the entire nation.
  5. The contrast between covenant faithfulness and spiritual rebellion. Again and again the importance of obedience and faithfulness to God's Word was stressed. 
  6. The dangerous folly of idolatry.  Persistent idolatry resulted in God's severe judgment.
What topics will we explore?

Does my character count?
  • What Money Can't Buy
  • Why Prayer Deserves Priority
  • Where Compromise takes you
Do My Decisions Matter?
  • Anatomy of a Grave Decision
  • A Hill on Which to Stand
  • Sick of Greed?
  • Right Not to Remain Silent
  • Danger!  Unbridled Passion (X-Rated)
  • About Face-Now
Where is My Future Headed?
  • Got to Have Hope
  • Building a Culture of Life 
  • Keep Hope Alive

SPOT Super Bowl Party be held on Super Bowl Sunday (natch!) which will be Feb. 6th.  Once again the LaRowes have graciously offered their abode to host this event.  Details to follow soon!!

Helping Big Chill
Please don't forget that we will be serving a Chili Dinner on Saturday, March 19th to the kids attending Big Chill.  We will need to both provide the chili and help serve it!  Anybody have any good, bulk chili recipe?  We will soon have sign-up sheets, and a donation envelop in the Sunday SPOT folder!


We had two new faces in the classroom this past Sunday. A hearty SPOT welcome to Kris and Melissa Luther. Welcome to our ranks!


-1/16 Meinhardts
-1/23 LaRowes

Prayer Requests

-Phil's daughter Emily has strep.
-Continued prayers for Zenobia
Special Edition Prayer Request
From Kay Massey:
We took Liz back to the Dr. this morning for a 1 week follow-up to her eye surgery and the new lens implant has slipped out of place requiring an additional surgery right away.  She will go back in tomorrow and the Dr. will attempt to move it back into place.  She was born with major deformities in her left eye and apparently the sac that holds the lens is also deformed and so did not hold the new lens in place correctly.  
She was planning to head back to college on Monday and so that is now all up in the air.  We will just have to see how she does and make that decision on Monday.  I plan to call the school and see if she can start a few days late and how much that would set her back.
Please pray for a successful surgery, healing, pain relief (Liz is very nervous about this because it hurt so much the first time), guidance about school and peace!  
Thank you all so much for your support and prayers.


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