Saturday, February 5, 2011

Super SPOTmail!!

Lesson Preview

As I prepare this lesson preview I do so wondering what the outside world will look like on Sunday.  This week God displayed his power and creativity through weather patterns.  As I consider the weather, I could make the decision not to prepare the lesson because we might not meet this Sunday.  What would be the consequences?

Each morning this week I had to make a choice - do I go in to work or not?  What will be the outcome?  Decisions are actually a very complex aspect of life.  And we make tons of them every day.
The topic of our study this Sunday is decisions.  Decisions reveal a lot about a person.  For example, the friends we choose reveal something about what we value.  Who we are (our character) impacts our decisions.  BUT, the process comes full circle because our decisions also impact who we are.  This can get to be pretty heavy stuff. 

Here is how all of this fits in to our study.  Rehoboan, Solomon's son and the successor to the throne of Israel after Solomon's death, was immediately faced with a momentous decision.  The way that he handled this decision provides an important lesson for us.  The context of this lesson comes from 1 Kings 12:1-16:28.  The lesson itself is based on 12:3-24. 

I hope you decide to come and join in on the discussion this Sunday.


Super Bowl Party!

The LaRowes are hosting the second annual SPOTclass Super Bowl Bash on Sunday.  Last year we had a great time of food, fellowship and commercial-er-football watching.  This year's game may even be interesting!   

Bring your favorite snacking appetizer or dessert -- Brooks and Ginger will provide the beverages.               

Game time is about 5:30 p.m. and the gates open for the party at 4:30 p.m.

Even if we don't see you that often, come anyway - it will be a lot of fun.

Art of Marriage

Don't forget the Art of Marriage,  a two-day seminar at Concord next weekend, Friday Feb. 11 and Saturday Feb. 12.  The meeting will be made up of six video sessions and lots of interactive discussion. The seminar runs 7-9 p.m. on Friday and 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. on Saturday.

The final day for advanced registration is Wednesday,  February 9.  Cost for the seminar is $35.  Add $20 if you want  the Chick-Fil-A box lunch on Saturday. (is that really a decision , we're talking Chick-Fil-A - would someone actually say no????).  Miss the Feb. 9 deadline and you pay $45 to get in and there's no lunch!

Several couples from our class are already registered, so you won't want to miss to opportunity to hear all their deep dark secrets!  

Prayer List  (for details click
  • Zenobia Perry's cancer treatment
  • The Proemseys and their babies
  • Ginger LaRowe's sister Jane
  • Susan Hurt's mother
  • Search for worship minister
  • Class members struggling with decisions
  • The Budget & Finance Committee 
  • "Snow" Life groups
Snack List

February 6  -- Kevin & Susan Hurt

February 13 -- Zenobia Perry


The SPOTclass will be cooking and serving chili during CSM's Big Chill weekend on Saturday, March 19.  We're currently collecting money  to buy the necessary ingredients.  You'll find the envelope in the SPOTfolder again this week.

If you have a favorite chili recipe, please pass it along.  We'll all team up in the church kitchen to prepare and serve the meal.  We want this to be a treat the kids won't soon forget!


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