Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap

Does My Decision Matter
2 Kings 11-17

Bible in Context:  2 Kings 11-17
     In the prior background passages, we saw that both King Joram of Israel and King Ahaziah of Judah fell victim to Jehu's purge of the royal family of Ahab.  Jehu reigned 28 years over the northern kingdom.  Then at his death, Jehu's Jehoahaz became king.  The background passages for this lesson covered Judah's history from the reign of King Ahaziah and Israel's history from the reign of King Jehoahaz to the fall of the Northern Kingdom.

Reforms and Repairs-11:1-12:21:  After the death of King Ahaziah, his mother Athaliah usurped the throne and ruled over Judah for six years.  She sought to destroy all of the descendants of King David who might claim the throne.  She almost succeeded.  One prince, Joash, was rescued and hidden by Jehoiada, a priest of the Lord.  Jehoiada led a successful overthrow of the queen, established Joash on the throne, and then initiated a covenant reform movement. In time, Joash supported the reforms by insisting that repairs be made to the temple and by demanding better accountability for temple finances.  Eventually, however, a threatened attack on Jerusalem by the Arameans forced Joash to empty both the royal and temple treasures to buy a non-aggression policy from the king of Aram.  Joash reigned a total of 40 years in Jerusalem; but his servents conspired against him, and two of them assassinated him.

Gains and Losses-13:1-15:38:  In semi-altering fashion, these three chapters cover the reigns of eight successive kings of Israel, and the three successive kings of Judah.  Embedded in the description of these kings reigns are brief notices about the prophet Elisha's sickness and death and the Lord's grace and mercy toward His people.

Alliances and Disaster-16:1-17:41:  Chapter 16 describes the reign of Aha in Judah and the alliance he made with the king of Assyria against the kings of Israel and Aram, who had formed a separate alliance.  As a result of his alliance with the king of Assyria, Ahaz imported idolatrous worship into the temple at Jerusalem.  Chapter 17 includes a description of the reign of Hoshea, Israel's final ruler, and a prophetic explanation of the fall of the Northern Kingdom.  The chapter ends with a narrative about the foreign peoples who were settled in the territory once comprising the Northern Kingdom. 

What words do we use to describe sin?  In using these words, do we attempt to minimize the impact of sin?  Some adults disregard God's laws and live as they choose.  Others are aware of their sin, but try and hide it.  God calls us to examine our lives and quickly repent of our disobedient attitudes or actions. This lesson is not what we would think of as a fun topic.  But it is in the Bible, and is a continuation of our story.

If You Gonna Dance-You Gotta Pay The Fiddler  17:5-20

Payday Someday R.G Lee, (1886-1978) 5-9
      Israel had been entangled in years of increasing and political and social chaos, led by a series of rulers who rebelled against God.  God had promised the judgment was coming because of their disobedience.  Because of this, God allowed/caused the Assyrians to invade the land, capture the capital city of Samaria, and deport the Israelites.  This happened due to their persistent sinfulness. What consequences can we expect if we live in rebellion against God?  Sometimes punishment comes from God.  Sometimes God simply allows the consequences of sin to run their course.

Turn or Burn Charles H. Spurgeon, (1834-1892)  13-15
     God sent prophets and seers to speak warnings to the people urging them to turn away from their sin.  Grace and patience describe Go's warnings  The people rejected the words of God's prophets and seers.  The chased after idols adopting the habits of the pagan nations.  Today we put jobs, relationships, or material things ahead of our relationship with God.  We allow ourselves to be molded and shaped by our culture instead of being God's salt and light in the culture.
Sinners In The Hands of an Angry God Jonathan Edwards, (1703-1758) 18-20
     Because of His anger against their sin, God allowed the nation of Israel to be defeated and taken into exile.  How does our sin impact our relationship with God?  We can be forgiven, but sin always affects our relationship with God and others.  God warns his people today to repent by using warnings that come through His word, through Bible teachers and preachers, and through examples from history.

Conclusion:  Ignoring the Lord's warning regarding disobedience invites the Lord's judgment.

Big Chill-i Dinner

The time is almost upon us!  Big Chill is this weekend, and Saturday we are serving our kids a chili supper!  Doors will be open for those helping with preparation at 4.  Those helping make deserts (keep in mind that we are feeding around 100 kids!) can bring them anytime before dinner.  Dinner will be at 6, so those helping to serve should be in their places by then!

 ...will take place the Sunday after next (March 27th).  We will be dining at El Maguey's.  

Church Work Day
 On April 2nd there will be a church-wide spring cleaning day.  We will be volunteering as a class to tackle one of the many projects that day.  A sign-up sheet will be in the SPOTfolder so we know how many will be helping.  A lunch of hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided.

Easter Egg-stravaganza

This annaul event will be held on Saturday, April 16th from 9 to 11.  Volunteers are needed to help in this wonderful family ministry.  You can serve in a game room, serve in a crafts room, hide eggs and supervise the hunt, or donate a gift basket.  As usual the sign-up sheet is in the SPOT join in and have some fun!

  • 3/20 the LaRowe
  • 3/27 the Luther's  
  • 4/3 the Meinhardt's
Prayer Requests
  • Continued prayers for Zenobia
  • A prayer of thanksgiving that Kevin's sister will not lose her job after all
  • Pray that our kids are blessed through the Big Chill this weekend.  Ask God to open their hearts to the passages they will be studying about.  They are Romans 3:24, Romans 8:29, John 3:17, and Romans 10:14.
  • Ronda Bradshaw's stepbrother Michael is recovering from abscess surgery on his arm,  The surgery proved to be more complicated than expected.  Please pray for a full recovery. 


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