Thursday, March 24, 2011


Lesson Preview

We started a new unit of study last week titled, "Where's My Future Headed?"

We determined none of us can say with certainty that we know where our future is headed.  We do have hopes, dreams, plans and goals, but that's about as far as it goes. 

This week's lesson is about a child protege.  Josiah became king of Judah at age eight.  Suppose you are living in Judah under the leadership of an 8-year-old king; talk about an uncertain future!  Especially considering his father and grandfather were both evil (ungodly) rulers.  But there is a surprise awaiting us.  I hope to see you Sunday as we discuss it.  If you can't wait -- read about it in 2 Kings 21-23. 

See you Sunday,

Church Work Day

April 2 is a church-wide Spring Cleaning day.  We are volunteering as a class to tackle one of the many projects that day.  There's an entire punch-list of items, from cleaning up the landscaping to painting the halls.  A sign-up sheet will be in the SPOTfolder so we know how many will be helping.  Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided for lunch.


Egg-stravaganza, the annual Easter party for our community, is on Saturday, April 16, 9 -11 a.m.  Volunteers are needed to help in this wonderful family ministry.  You can serve in a game room, help with crafts, hide eggs, supervise the chaotic hunt or donate a gift basket.  As usual, the sign-up sheet is in the SPOTfolder . . . so join in and have some fun!


SPOTlunch this week meets at El Maguey's in Concord Plaza right after class.  It's top-notch Mexican cuisine and, of course, the fellowship is always top-notch . . . well, maybe a little spotty at times . . . but you still won't want to miss it.

Big Chill-i Dinner

Thanks to everyone who made our Chili dinner for the kids last Saturday a success!  Kevin has pictures on the blog you'll want to check out.  You also may hear a report this Sunday about all the blessings coming out of this year's event.

  • 3/27    Luther  
  • 4/3      Meinhardt
  • 4/10    Decker
Prayer Requests

  • Zenobia thanks everyone for the loving support for her and her kids and asks for continued prayers for her muscle aches from the cancer medication.
  • Lori Robbins is still suffering from shingles.
  • Concord's continuing search for a fine arts minister
  • Alan Decker's child custody dispute
  • For Susan Hurt's mother, Marilyn, who is back in the hospital
  • Church staff members, including Zenobia, dealing with pay cuts and restructuring
  • Joe & Patti Endejan's business
  • Those traveling during spring break

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