Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap

This week began our study in 1st Thessalonians.  We started out with an introduction to this book.

Where Is Thessalonica?
Thessalonica was located in the region of Macedonia.  It was the principal and capital city of Macedonia.  Its original name was Therme, after the hot springs in the area.  It was a free city within the Roman Empire.  That means they enjoyed self-rule within the framework of the laws of the Empire.
What Was The City Like?
Thessalonica was located on the Thermic Gulf and enjoyed the benefits of an excellent harbor. In Roman times it was the site of great dockyards.  The City was also on the Egnation Way, Rome's highway linking Europe and Asia.  Its sea and land location meant that it was a great trade center.  And like other major Roman cities (i.e. Corinth) it was religious, immoral and enjoyed wealth. Most of the residents were Gentile.  All the ingredients that made Thessalonica such an important city then is why it continues to be a thriving city today though spelled Thessaloniki.

Did Paul Ever Visit The City?
Paul came to the city on his second missionary journey around A D 50. (Acts 17:1-9). Verse 1 of Acts 17 informs us when Paul arrived Jews were established in the city and worshipped at their synagogue. Paul spent three Sabbath days debating with them out of the Scriptures with reference to the death and resurrection of Christ. He proclaimed Jesus to them as the Messiah.  The first converts included some Jewish along with many devout Greeks and leading women.

Why Did Paul Write The Letter?
The significance of the Devout Greeks and leading women following Paul sets up the ongoing conflict between Paul and the Jewish leadership.  Women enjoyed a higher status in Macedonia and Asia Minor than elsewhere.  The devout Greeks were God-fearers.  Disillusioned by idolatry and low moral standards of the pagans, the God-fearing Greeks and leading women were attracted to the monotheism and high moral standards of the Jews.  As God-fearers they were studying the Jewish religion but had not yet adopted it as their own.  One barrier to this final step probably was the legalism of the Jewish faith.  So they were readily attracted to Paul's gospel of freedom.  This aroused great jealousy and resentment of the unbelieving Jews for losing these potential converts.  Another cause for the conflict between the Jews and Paul was their rejection of Paul's message about Jesus being the promised Messiah/Christ. This group of faithful Jews made life difficult for Paul and the new believers. It reached the point where Paul had to leave town.  The story continues in Acts 17:13.

When Paul left Beroea/Berea he wen to Athens but left Silas and Timothy in Beroea.  Paul sent for them in Athens.  Soon after Timothy's arrival in Athens he was sent to Thessalonica to check on the new believers.  Paul's letter to the church in Thessalonica was in response to Timothy's report.  The new believers were growing in their faith, although they being persecuted.  They had raised some questions, particularly about the second coming of Christ.  Thus Paul penned his first letter to the Thessolonians to congratulate, encourage, and instruct them.  He wrote from Corinth, probably within months of first preaching in Thessalonica.

Following are the lessons we will study from this letter:

Remember Where You Were-helps us celebrate important evens in our Christian life
When You Started Out (1:1-10)
When Others Helped You (2:1-16)
When Others Cared For You (2:17-3:13)

Consider Where You Are Going- helps us show we are ready for today's challenges
What Is Your Goal in Life (4:1-12)
What Hope Do You Have (4:13-18)
Do You Get Along With Others (5:12-28)

Men's Event
Step Up To The Plate 

Special 2 Day Men's Event featuring:  Chuck Walker (former pro-football St. Louis Cardinal and Atlanta Falcon), Mark Arneson (former St. Louis football Cardinal), and Dave Tobik (former Major League pitcher for Detroit, Texas and Seattle), also our own Bob Weigel (former ESPN World's strongest man competitor and current Scottish Games competitor).  All of these men will be speaking on Friday evening May 6th from 7-9:30PM.
Then on Saturday morning, May 7th from 9-11:30PM, we will have special guest speaker Andy Benes (former St. Louis Cardinal pitcher), who will be giving his testimony and a challenge for all men to Step Up to the Plate.
Prayer Requests
  • Continued prayers for Carolynn Amen.
  • Prayers for all those ravaged by tornadoes and flooding.  
Mother's Day this Sunday.  So Remember your Mom!  Take a peek at the quick video here for some fun perspective!!!


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