Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!

A ton of information this read carefully!!!

Lesson Recap

My Story

Think of something interesting, exciting, or unusual that happened to you or someone you know this week.  It can come from your world of family, work, or recreation.

You are at a convenience store paying for gas.  A couple of adults walk in that capture your attention.  Almost immediately they rob the place.  At the request of the attendant you stick around to give a report to the police.  Think of what you would tell the police, and why.

Who trained you to tell your story?  How many times did you practice telling your story prior to the arrival of the police? What responsibility did you have in making sure the police believed your story?  Story telling comes more natural to some than others, BUT every one can tell a story.  In this lesson we talked about how to tell our story, and why.  We looked at one of Paul's examples in Acts for our guideline.

Components of our story:
  1. Life Before Christ
  2. How I Met Christ
  3. Life After Meeting Christ
  4. You too Can Know Christ
Paul's Story  Acts 26:4-31
Life Before Christ vv 4-12
How I Met Christ vv 13-18
Life after Meeting Christ vv 19-27
You Too Can Know Christ vv 28-31

If I am asked questions after telling my story, what am I to do?  Follow the the example in Jn 9:13-33.
Life Before Christ v 13
How I Met Christ vv 14-15
Life After Meeting Christ vv 16-26
You too Can Know Christ

You do not have to be a biblical scholar to explain how God changed your life with the sacrificed blood of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit!

Conclusion: Take a few moments to write out your story using the four components.  Remember to keep it short and to the point.  A good rule of thumb is this- be able to tell your story in the amount of time it takes to ride an elevator to, say, the 10th floor.  Do not forget the fourth component.  It will vary based upon the setting, the person, and the leading of the Holy Spirit.  Remember, successful story telling is telling the story in the power of the Holy Spirit and leaving the results to God.

Benefit Car Wash

Hello friends,

Hope you can come by to support my sister, Carol...
WHAT:    Car Wash & BBQ
                to help my sister Carol Weidenhoffer with her cancer medical costs
                since she has no health insurance

WHEN:    This Saturday, August 20, 2011
                10:00 a.m. -- 6:00 p.m.

WHERE:  Auto Zone in Affton
                9401 Gravois (near Mackenzie & Gravois -- just past DQ and JoAnn's Fabrics on same side of street)
                (314) 544-0500

We'd also welcome any extra car wash helpers if you'd like to hang out a while!

Would be great to see you.  Thanks for your help in any way...getting car washed, eating or helping!

Carol is fighting strong ~~ see her picture below!

If you have any questions, please call us.

Rich & Linda Conrad
Rich:  (314) 221-2035
Linda:  (314) 221-2036

Business Meeting

A business meeting will be held after church this Sunday to discuss and possibly vote on the new prospective youth pastor, Ben Wahlman.  Many of us parents were at both the meet and greet last week, as well as the Q and A session held last Sunday.  If you have any questions we can give you information if you were not there!

Door Hanging

One of the big events we do want to share with you that is happening before the new time change is “Door Hanger Sunday” which will be the Sunday of Labor Day weekend, September 4th.  There will be one service at 10:30am that Sunday and we will have a hot dog lunch for everyone who will take packets of Door Hangers to distribute in the local neighborhoods that afternoon announcing the time change.
Each packet will have approximately 25 door hangers and a map of the neighborhood where you are to distribute the door hangers so that we don’t ‘double hang’ some neighborhoods.  I think, if a team of three people took one or two packets it will go real quickly.  One could drive and the other two could walk on each side of the road and you would be finished before you know it.  We hope a lot of folks will participate.

SPOTlunch this week, and the chosen restaurant is Incredible Pizza.  Bring your Incredible Appetites and share in some fellowship!


As mentioned last week, and in class on Sunday we now have a presence on Facebook!  This will enable real quick communication that everyone can post on easily.  The Blog will remain for all the administrative stuff.  You can find us on Facebook HERE!!

Browniepalooza 2011

...will be on September 11.  Bake some your favorite brownie recipe.  Keep some for your family and bring a few to share in class.  Milk will be provided!


  •  8/21  Hurts
  • 8/24    LaRowe's
Prayer Requests
  • Liz Massey contracted salmonella while working at Kanakuk Kamp in Branson.  She is recovering and hopes to go back to college this week. 
  • Jim Meinhardt's brain scan last week was still good.
  • Jeff Bradshaw has a co-worker named Carol Masters.  She has some serious health issues that are undisclosed.  Pray for her return to good health.
  • Continued prayer for Linda Conrad's sister. (See above about the fundraiser!)
  • Susan Hurt's mom has finally been release from the hospital to go to assisted living for recouperation.
  • Pray for wisdom for the church as we consider a new youth pastor.

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