Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap

Persevering Faith 13:17-18, 14:9-18,31

Does every student that enrolls in college graduate?  Does every person that starts a marathon finish?  Perseverance makes the difference.  This week's lesson was about persevering in our faith.

Father Knows Best 13:17-18
How often do your teens ask you why they can't do this or that, and you tell them because they are not old enough or because they are not ready?  Why didn't God take the Israelites on a direct journey to Canaan?
  1. They were not ready to fight and defend themselves.
  2. They had no sense of community or nationality.
  3. Their faith was not developed enough to trust Him to provide.
Why should we persevere in following God's word even when His Ways don't seem to make sense to us?

Faith Your Fears 14:9-14
The Israelites reacted to their current challenge just as they did.  They Got into the predicament because of God.  Look at v14 from different translations.  Basically, it says to be still and watch, and know that I am God.  If god brings you into a frightening situation, you can be confident He will bring you out.  Just stand firm.

Trust And Obey 14:15-18
God was going to deliver the Israelites through the same path He Delivered His people.  Why is persevering faith required to obey God and experience His deliverence.

Seeing Is Believing? 14:31
What did the people see God Do?  Why do you think this would cause them to believe in God and His use of Moses?  What are some great acts of God people see today from time to time?  Why do some believers fail to believe even when they see?  How does remembering God's work in your life encourage you?  How does voicing what God has done in your life help others grow in their faith?

Conclusion: You may not be facing the Red Sea and hearing the chariots of your enemies behind you BUT you may be facing difficult challenges.  What did we discuss here that will help you persevere in your faith?

The SPOT Class Picnic

..this year has official been renamed the SpookNic!!  It will be on Sunday, October 30th right after class at Fenton Parks Shelter #2 (the same as last year!).  Join us for fun, fellowship, and BBQ.  Cost is $5 per person, with a maximum of $10 per family to cover the meat and the cost of the shelter.  Bring a side dish to share, and whatever drinks you want!  The Sign up envelop will be in the SPOT folder starting this week!

Upcoming Events

This year we will be holding our usual Christmas party (Nov.- Dec.), as well as a game board night (Jan?), and Super Bowl Party (Feb.)  If you would be willing to open your home to host one of these event, that would be great!

Class Service Ministry

We are still looking for a year-round service/ministry project that we can help with as a class.  We can donate the proceeds from our root beer float booth and other project (TBD) throughout the year.  Email in any ideas!


  • 10/16 MEINHARDT
  • 10/23 PERRY
  • 10/30LAROWE

Prayer Requests

  • Rusty's co-worker watching mom's health deteriorate quickly.  very close to mom, and very draining on her.  Name of co-worker is Shelley Lavender.  Pray for understanding.
  • Billie Jean, Ed's daughter friend who comes to church with her.  Pray for her salvation.
  • Rusty's friend Steve Gusman trying to understand (or make sense of) why his friends son OD'd.  Pray Rusty and Steve can talk about it when the time is right.
  • Prayer request and warning for South County residents.  Hannah Martin got her license this week.
  • Marty and Amber and struggles with their daughter Andrea.
  • Kevin, and word from his doctors on his knee injury.

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