Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Preview

     Last week we saw the best of Israel as they agreed to receive and follow God's commandments.  This Sunday, November 6, we will see Israel at her worst as she disobeys God.

     Hey, play along with the following.  Think back to when you were a teen.  What was a pretty big "no-no" you did?  How long afterwards did it take for you to feel remorse?  Did you find it easy to confess and ask forgiveness?

     Sometimes Christians who have been believers for a long time forget they are still sinners who need to confess their sins and receive forgiveness.  Unbelievers sometimes do not recognize they are sinners or sometimes think God could never forgive them for their thoughts and deeds.  Truth is, we all continue to be in need of God's grace and forgiveness.  This week's study comes out of Exodus 32 - 34.

See You Sunday,

Last Weeks Lesson

Worthy of Worship 25:8-9, 17-22, 29:38-46
Summary of Background Material:
25:1-27:21 God instructed Moses to gather an offering from the Israelites for the purpose of building a place of worship.  Since the materials to be used included precious metals, fabric, animal skins, wood, oil, spices, and gemstones, everyone could provide something required.  Go gave detailed instructions regarding the construction of the ark of the covenant, the table, the lamp stand, the tabernacle, the sacrificial alter, and the courtyard.
28:1-29:46 God also provided instructions for the creation of the priestly garments, particularly the robes, ephod, and breastpiece worn by the high priest.  Once the tabernacle had been constructed and furnished and the priestly garments had been created, everything needed to be dedicated and consecrated for worship.  God gave specific instructions for the consecration service, emphasizing the responsibility of the priests and the need to consecrate them.

30:1-38 God designed worship to engage all the senses.  He directed the Israelites to offer incense made from a select mixture of fragrant spices.  He also commanded them to create a bronze basin that could be filled with water and used by the priests for washing.  God directed the men to contribute half a shekel to the tabernacle to be used to support the worship center and to remind them that they belonged to God.

31:1-11 God gifted two men with the ability to work with metals, gemstones, and wood.  Then He appointed them to design, craft, and supervise  that aspect of the sacred project.

31:12-18  God's final instruction was to remind the Israelites not to work on the Sabbath.  Even as the people constructed the worship place, they needed to worship God regularly.  After giving Moses instructions for building the sanctuary, God gave him the two stone tablets on which He had written the Ten Commandments.

Affirming the Lord's Presence 25:8-9
See 40:34-38 to see what made the tabernacle holy.  Some churches today meet in schools, storefronts, traditional settings, etc.  They are made holy by the presence of the Lord. The tabernacle affirmed God's presence for Israel.  How do we acknowledge/affirm God's presence in our worship at Concord?

Hearing the Lord's Message 25:17-22
The mercy seat is the main topic of these verses.  The mercy seat was a cover of solid gold covering the top of the ark, described in vv 10-16.  Mercy seat comes from the Hebrew verb "to cover".   This mercy seat symbolized the covering of sin and reconciliation that could only be found in God.   God's words to Moses were extremely valuable. How can we treat what we hear from God as extremely valuable?  How has God spoken to you in a worship service?

Giving the Lord Offerings 29:38-42
2 lambs per day at 362 days a year for 40 years = 29,200 lambs.  This is a group of over 1 million people wandering in a barren region constntly grumbling about a lack of food.  Do you think these people considered these offerings as sacrificial?  Do you think they were ever tempted to withhold some of the lambs for more practical use?  What are some things we can offer God instead of money?  Why would regularly giving to God our best lead to more meaningful worship and a deeper relationship?

Acknowledging the Lord's Greatness 29:43-36
God declared He would consecrate the tent of meetings, the altar, and those who served as priests.  He also stated that He would make Himself available to the people and would provide guidance and blessing.  The sanctuary and sacrifices would remind the people of God's presence and blessing in the past and the present.  Their obedience would demonstrate their commitment to Him in worship and daily life.  How does worship with other believers remind you of who God is and what He has done?

Conclusion: By worshiping regularly as a community of faith, God's people please Him and deepens our relationship with Him.  The following action is suggested as a result of this study.  Endeavor to participate regularly and meaningfully in congregational worship.

Spooknik Is Over

Even though the fire had difficulty starting, and there was a stiff, cool breeze...there was a lot of good fellowship and food.  Plan on joing us when we have our spring version of the class picnic!

Concord Need

Concord has a need for people to volunteer to serve for 4 one hour slots during the year.  This will be four different one hour time slots of your choice during a worship service over the whole year.  You will serve in one of the Child Care classes with an experienced teacher to assist the teacher who will be in the classroom, and who knows each of the children.  You will be giving parents the opportunity to worship the Lord freely without worrying about their small children.  Please accept this responsibility so no one else has to do your share.  There is a sign up sheet in the SPOT folder for the next few weeks. 


  • 11/6 Grable
  • 11/13 Phillips

Prayer Requests
  • From Ed Stanfield...pray for Robert, a teenager who tried to commit suicide.  His family is poor.  The father killed himself in front of Robert.  Need wisdom to seek out family and help them

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