Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Preview

     This week starts a short three-week study of Leviticus.  Moses is leading the people on a long journey to Canaan.  To get there they must travel through countries and encounter people that do not live by the same standards God has set for His people.  The Israelites are going to be tempted at most every aspect of life.  Our study will look at how they responded to the challenges.
     This Sunday, November 20, our lesson is titled - "Make the Wrong Thing Right."  It will remind us of the importance of admitting our wrongdoings and making restitution for any damages.  When we do the wrong thing, getting right with God and others is important. 

See You Sunday,

Lesson Recap

Exodus 35-40
You Want What? 35: 4-9, 30-36:11; 40:12-15

Summary of Background Material
35:1-36:7 Moses assembled all the Israelites and reminded them not to work on the Sabbath.  He then called on them to bring offerings to be used in the construction of the tabernacle.  Moses asked skilled craftsmen to provide their services.  The wide range of materials and skills needed allowed everyone to provide something for God's work.  The people brought materials, and the skilled workers came to assist.  The Israelites responded in such an overwhelming fashion, Moses was able to tell them they had enough resources to complete the work.

36: 8-38:31 Using the donated materials, the skilled craftsmen fashioned everything for the tabernacle precisely as God had instructed.

39: 1-43 Bezalel supervised the creation of the ephod and breastpiece, using his God-given skills for the delicate work, and at the same time teaching other his craft.  Israel's craftsmen made the high priest's robe and the other priestly garments.  When the craftsmen had completed their work, Moses inspected all they had made, found it to be exactly as God commanded, and blessed the craftsmen.

40: 1-38 God commanded the people to set up the tabernacle, and they did so under Moses' supervision.  After it had been set up, Moses offered incense and animal sacrifices, consecrating Aaron and his sons as priests.  A cloud descended on the tabernacle, and God's glory filled the structure.  Whenever the cloud lifted from the tabernacle, the Israelites resumed their journey.  If the cloud remained on the tabernacle, they remained in camp.

Thing of some things that are offered (advice, second chances, etc.).  We often think in terms of things that can be offered to us.  But we also need to think about things we can offer to others.  This lesson was the last we will have in Exodus by examining the different invitations God offered to the Israelites to be involved in His work.  What are some different way believers today can contribute to God?

First, a little background.  Read Exodus 35:1-3.  As we read those verses, our tendency is to get caught up in the strict requirements handed down from God.  But to get the full impact we must remember the context.  The people had recently disobeyed God by creating and worshiping a golden calf.  Some may have believed that building the tabernacle quickly by working non-stop would please God and make up for their sin.  These verses are all about Moses preempting any such notions by reminding them God desires obedience over sacrifice.

Are You Willing To Contribute? 35: 4-9
When do you recall a time when a special offering was taken either at church or at work?  What was the general attitude of the people that gave?  Some people give freely when offerings are taken.  However, others give because they think peers might be watching them and they want to impress them.  Or they give grudgingly, knowing that they would rather use the money or time for themselves.  Or they give with the idea that God will repay them by letting only good things come their way.  Sometimes they compare their contribution to that of others, hoping to demonstrate that they are just as god if not better.

According to v. 5, why does it appear the Israelites were giving to the project of the tabernacle and priestly garments from nothing other generous hearts?  God was requiring some pretty expensive stuff.  Until the last few months these people were slaves.  Where would slave acquire such expensive goods?  Giving to the Lord's work is not a contest.  We need to give because our hearts and lives overflow with gratitude for God's salvation, forgiveness, care, and grace.

Do You Have Skills To Use?  35:30-36:1
These verses are full of difficult names and detailed information.  The main topic is that God gifted people with the ability to get His work done..  God gave Bezalel and Oholiab everything they needed to get the job done.  We are told that they acquired their skills from God.  However it was probably not a instant giving.  They probably learned and honed these skills back in Egypt.
Think of some of the skills you have acquired over the years, either through formal education, on-the-job training, or natural ability.  Which of these can God potentially use for His kingdom work.  Offering our talents are different than giving money, and can be more sacrificial, because it involves time and personal investment. 

Is the Lord Calling You to Serve? 40:12-15
An interesting point to note is that the garments of the priests were made of the same material as the tabernacle.  This allowed the priests to serve as a sort of "living tabernacle" connecting the people to God.  The function of a priest is the connecting of people to God.  According to 1 Peter 2:9, we are priests.  How can I use my position as a priest to serve God in my daily life?

Conclusion:  This week, evaluate your willingness to contribute to God's work.  In your evaluation be sure to include your time, talents, and vocation along with your financial resources.

SPOT Christmas Party mentioned before at Zenobia's house on Dec. 10 at 6:30 PM.  Directions to follow soon!


  • 11/20 STUBBS
  • 11/27 GABLE
  • 12/4 BRADSHAW

Prayer Requests

  • Praise and thanksgiving for Ginger's kitchen sink!
  • Stan's family.  His dad had a stroke last Thursday.  He was the primary caregiver to his mom who has been diagnosed with cancer and recovery from surgery.
  • Billie Jean-daughters friend who comes to church with the Stanfields.  Her mom is going to jail at the end of the month.  Her dad is in jail.  She thinks she wants to stay with the Stanfields.  Pray for God's providence.
  • Safety as people begin to travel for the holidays.



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