Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap
Leviticus 23:1-27:34
Let Others See Jesus In You 25:10-22, 35-38

Summary of Background Material: Since we last met-

23:1-24:9 Worship times permeated the Israelite calendar.  The Weekly Sabbath day of rest regularly focused the people's attention on God.  Festivals celebrated God's redemption of His people from Egypt and His provisions for their physical and spiritual needs.  The Day of Atonement constituted a day of self-denial in which the Israelites confessed their sins and the high priest made an atonement sacrifice.  The Israelites needed to remember and celebrate these special times of the year.

24:10-23 When the son of an Israelite mother and Egyptian father blasphemed God's name, God instructed the people to stone the son.  God then gave directions concerning punishments.  Killing and animal necessitated restitution, but intentionally killing a human necessitated the death of the murderer.  Those who injured others received the same injury as punishment, but not the death penalty.  Only heinous crimes such as blasphemy and murder brought the death penalty.

25:1-55 God instructed the Israelites to celebrate the Sabbath year every seventh year so the land could rest.  Every fiftieth year was to be a Year of Jubilee during which the land rested and property was returned to those who owned it.  During the years when the people grew no crops, God would provide for the people's needs by allowing the previous harvests to sustain them.  God directed His people not to cheat one another, but to provide for those in need.

26:1-46  God reminded His People to honor the Sabbath and not to worship idols.  He declared that obedience of His commands would bring blessing and life, while disobedience would bring curse and difficulty.  If, after disobeying, His people repented and sought His forgiveness they could again experience blessing and life.

27:1-34  Vows constituted special offerings beyond required sacrifices.  Substitutions could be made for what had been vowed.  Human values were based on the typical worker's wage, or the value of the person's services.  An animal's value was assigned by the priest.  Firstborn animals could not be vowed sine they already belonged to the Lord.

If you could have one current debt paid in full, what would it be and why?

Share Freedom 1-9, 10-12
Jubilee means to be set free.  Did you catch the two elements of the Jubilee described in these verses?
proclaim liberty=freedom throughout the land.
return= will be discussed in the next set of verses.
What message of freedom does God want His people to proclaim today?

Exhibit Fairness 13-17
The return policy=property was returned to the original family group.  This return of property reminded the people that God was the true owner of the land and helped maintain the proper land distribution of the tribes.  
The cornerstone for the return of property rules was a healthy fear of the Lord, which focused more on love and concern for others than making a profit.  Followers of Christ also live in a special relationship with God.  How should our relationship with Him influence the way we treat others?

Manage Blessings 18-22
Here we see that God is arranging our life so we will live by faith.  The Isrealites also had to have trust in the Lord that during Jubilee they would be sustained...similar to God's provision of mannna. In what ways are we called to trust God?

Extend Kindness 35-38
The Israelites were to extend kindness to the less advantaged.  They were instructed to give him a place to live and work, and do not charge interest on loans.  They did this because God had been kind to them.  How can God's kindness to us inspire us to extend kindness to others?

Based upon principles discussed in this lesson, how will I let others see Jesus in me this week?
SPOT Christmas Party

It's not too late to RSVP!!!  It is this Saturday at Zenobia's house at 6:30.  Send an email to for directions.


  • 12/11   HURTS
  • 12/18   PERRY

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