Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Many thanks to Larry Harder for filling in for Don this week.  His lesson was on discipleship found in Jesus' words in John 13-17.  Specifically we looked at John 13 and the significance of Jesus' washing of the disciples feet.

SPOT Super Bowl Party being held at the Hurts house on Feb. 5th, starting around 5ish.  Directions are in the upper right-hand corner of this blog.  The will also be put in the SPOT folder along with the sign-up sheet.  You can sign-up...or email to


  • 1/22 Bradshaw
  • 1/29 Phillips
  • 2/5 Perry
Prayer Requests
  • Zenobia's trigger finger in 3 finger is affecting piano playing.  Will need surgery.
  • College students as they return to school,


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