Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Mid-Week Update

Lesson Recap

In Memory Of

God wants us to remember certain events.  To see this read Isaiah 46: 8-9a.

Have you ever done something your wished people would forget but they don't?  The positive side of that is illustrated in Matt 26: 13.

The Bible records man's effort to recall God's interaction in his life.  A few examples are:

  • Gen 35: 6-7 Why did Jacob build an alter?
  • Ex 17: 13-15 Why did Moses build an alter?

One of the more memorable examples of man constructing something to remember God's activity is found in Joshua 4: 4-7.  What do we see God did here?  Why did God want a memorial?

Let's look at one more example.  This one is found in Luke 22.
In verse 19 what did Jesus tell them/us to do?

How is the Lord's Supper similar to the examples we looked at in the Old Testament?  They are similar in the fact that they are used to remind us!

Some teachers would tell us we are never more close to God than when we are in communion with Him by taking communion.  This is an act of worship He has directly instructed us to do.  Why do you think God wants us to continue observing communion?

Message from Brad Slinkard on Cardinals Tickets
I want to apologize about not being there on May 20th. I was in New York on May 27th and will be dropping my daughter off at the airport this Sunday on the 3rd as she goes to Germany, Austria, Switzerland for a class trip. I should be able to be at church after we drop her off and be able to get the tickets to those who still need them. I still have plenty left and NEED desperately to get rid of them so I can pay my Board of Education back the money. Come talk to me Sunday, I'm going to say I'LL BE THERE at the welcome center to get tickets. They are in Section 361.
SPOT Lunch
...will be this week after class at Culver's.  We will determine location on Sunday when we get a firm idea of who is coming!  Join us for some great fellowship!
The Muny
The Muny show dates are sneaking up on us.  Looking at the votes right now it appears that the winner is Thoroughly Modern Millie on Sat., June 23rd.  We will have a great time in the free seats!  Bring a light dinner to eat while we wait in line!
Quote of the Week

"Faith in God includes faith in His timing." -Neal A. Maxwell
  • 6/3 LaRowe
  • 3/10 Hurt
  • 6/17 Stanfield
  • 6/24 Perry
  • 7/1 Phillips
Prayer Requests
  • Jeff and Ronda's daughter-in-law, Jessie, had a 2nd miscarriage and is having complications.
  • Phillips traveling 6/2-6/9
  • Rusty has a silent prayer request.



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