Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Mid-Week Update

Lesson Recap

Knowing The Truth
Colossians 1: 1-20

Intro to Colossians: Paul wrote to the believers in Colossae from an unknown prison site.  Colossae is located in Asia Minor, modern day-Turkey.  It is believed the church was established by Epaphras, one of Paul's gospel coworkers. Epaphras learned of Paul's imprisonment and journeyed to him to join him and to report on the condition in the Colossian church.  Out of pastoral concern, Paul wrote a letter to the church he never visited.  He wrote to affirm the church's good qualities and to assure the believers that he consistently prayed for their spiritual growth.  Paul also addressed a major threat to the church: false teachings about Christ and Christian living.

The overall study of Colossians is designed to help adults develop an understanding of Christian faith.  This lesson emphasizes truths about Jesus in relationship to God.

Our Lord By Faith 3-8
In verse 5 note that the Christians love for one another sprang from the hope stored up or reserved for them in heaven.  What does this mean?  Hope has the idea of living with confident assurance.  It has the sense of fulfillment of our salvation when we enter God's immediate presence in heaven.  Another term of interest in verse 5 is word or message of truth.  The word of truth is the gospel.  Because of the messages absolute and unchanging nature, they were told to hold it and not to become victims of false teachings.  In verse 6 Paul notes that the gospel is producing fruit and growing all over the world.  Today we see multiplying, yielding results, and flourishing as types of fruit the gospel is producing today.  What ever fruit Paul was referring to was a fruit that caused others that saw it to want it.  That is why the gospel grew all over the world.  In verse 8 Epaphras had told Paul about the Colossians love in the spirit.  This is not a term we often use.  What it means is that the Holy Spririt was working in and among them producing 'agape'-God's type of love.

We know Jesus as our Lord when we respond to the gospel with faith.  Faith is much more than intellectual acceptance to the facts about Jesus.  It is belief, but it also includes trust in and total commitment to Christ.

Lord In Our Living 9-14
There are eight items Paul included in his prayer for the Colossians:
  1. be filled with the knowledge of God's will
  2. be filled with the spiritual wisdom and spiritual understanding
  3. live or walk worthy
  4. be pleasing in every way
  5. bear fruit
  6. grow in knowledge of God
  7. be strengthened with all power
  8. endure with patience and joy
Which of these 8 items do you need in your life right now?

Lord Over the Universe 15-17
These verses were likely a hymn that early believers used in worship.  The phrase in verse 15 "the first born over all creation" does not indicate Jesus was the first created thing.  In the Old Testament, the firstborn son occupied a position of honor, privilege, and supremacy; he was first in priority.  This was Paul's meaning of intent. Thruths about Jesus are revealed in these verses.  They are found in the following summary:   Jesus is the image of the invisible God.  He created everything and brought it into existence; therefore, everything belongs to Him.  He existed before creation. He holds the whole world in His hands.

When life seems out of control, you can find comfort that you serve a Lord who is over the entire universe.  He is before all things, yet He knows how many hairs are on your head (Matt. 10:30) and he is crazy about you (1 Peter 5:7)!

Lord of His Church 18-20
Consider these words or phrases that are synonymous with 'first' that Paul used in verse 18:
  • firstborn
  • first place
  • beginning
  • head
This is a lot of references to firsts.  Paul chose to repeat this phrase so often when describing Jesus' role in the church because this repetition emphasized the lordship and authority of Christ in regard to His church.  It also painted a picture of Jesus as the protecting sovereign, stabilizing force for His body, the church.  Here is something to consider-How does Jesus' sovereignty and dominion over "all things on earht or things in heaven" give you peace in your daily walk with Him?

Conclusion: The truth is-Jesus is Lord of all and Lord over all.  Knowing this will make what difference in my life?

SPOT Trip to the Muny

The SPOT class will go and sit in the free seats at the Muny on Saturday, June 23rd for 'Thoroughly Modern Millie'.   Bring along a light picnic dinner for while we sit in line!

Quote of the Week

"Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, it empties today of its strength."- Corrie Ten Boom


  • 6/10 Hurt
  • 6/17 Stanfield
  • 6/24 Perry
Prayer Requests
  • Bradshaw's daughter-in-law, Jessie, had surgery Sunday that went well.  They had to remove the embryonic sack from her miscarriage and a fallopian tube.
  • Phil and Ginger's sister Jane has adenocarcinoma.  She will have chemo, but not much is know yet.  Pray for Jane, their mom (and Ginger) appreciated.
  • Safe travel during vacation season
  • Emily Stubbs' and family's sanity for Saturday's wedding.

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