Sunday, September 27, 2009

Awesome Sunday!

Today we started the video series on the Hurried Family. Talk about timely! I think everyone in class related to today's topic, which was "In Search of Peace and Quiet".

We learned about the 7 characteristics of a Hurried Family:

1) They can't relax.

2) They can't enjoy quiet.

3) They seldom feel satisfied.

4) They lack moral absolutes.

5) They serve for the wrong reasons.

6) They are intimidated by fear and worry.

7) They live for the rewards of success.

The lesson closed out looking at Mt. 11:28-29

SPOT Lunch

The class went out on the monthly SPOT lunch today. The LaRowe's, the Hurt, the Bradshaw's, and the Massey's enjoyed fellowship and bar-b-que at Bandanas! Remember, next month the SPOT lunch will be our annual fall class picnic at Fenton Park. The date for that is 10/25. Mark your calendars and we will see you there!

Root Beer Float Booth

Many thanks to all those who donated for the Root Beer Float well as to those who have volunteered to help serve. If you find that you might be able to help serve we can still use the help! You can email to!

Today's Prayer Requests

- Phil and Lesa's 1st anniversary on 9/28

-For the Christmas Show and auditions today. Please also pray for our "guest director" and a wonderful turnout!

-Daniel Massey for decisions regarding courses, major, etc. He is a sophomore @ college!

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