Sunday, October 11, 2009


Today's Lesson

Today, in week three of our video series on the Hurried Family, we learned three profiles of a family today:

Profile 1) The family is constantly changing.
Profile 2) We live in a high-tech, low touch environment.
Profile 3) Family leadership has moved from autocratic to democratic.

Remember our challenge today. Talk to each member of your family for 10 minutes a day for the next 21 days. Sounds easier than it actually is!

SPOT Picnic

As we have been announcing, the SPOT picnic is 10/25/09 (instead of our monthly SPOT lunch!). It will be at Fenton Park. The Cost is $10 per family (to pay for the meat,supplies, and shelter). You will also need to bring a desert or a side dish. You can sign up and pay with Kevin or Susan Hurt! We will also need to know whether you are bringing a dessert or a side dish! (Just so we don't have 20 pans of brownies and no chips!). IF YOU ARE NOT A REGULAR ATTENDEE OF THE SUNDAY CLASS, YOU ARE STILL VERY WELCOME TO THIS AND ALL SOCIAL EVENTS! We would love to have you!

SPOT Camping Trip

We will be picking a date soon for next years SPOT camping trip. It will be in the early part of June. If you have a preference on dates, let us know!

Prayer Requests

-Rich Conrad is still suffering from lower back issues.

-Kevin Hurt will be undergoing more tests on Wednesday to show the neurosurgeon where to work.

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