Sunday, November 29, 2009


Lesson Recap need to look here. Your beloved editor played hooky from class, so I missed things today. I was on a "dialog weekend" with my wife. (Those who were in last weeks class understand this!!!) I promise to do better...really I do...

College Packages

So I did make it home in time to package all 18 boxes of cookies that were baked last week for the college kids. They will go out tomorrow! Be sure and pray for all the students during this time of finals.

Class Project

Don't forget our
class Christmas project!!! The box for gifts for the Missouri Baptist Children's Home is still in the front of the classroom. Deadline for contributing is 12/15!!!

Christmas Shindig

<---------Details over there.....

Prayer Requests

Since yours truly was not in class today, there isn't much here. If you have a prayer request, please email it to, and I'll get it up as quick as possible!!!

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