Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday Update!!!!

Lesson Recap

In today's lesson on the 4th chapter of Mark we learned why Jesus spoke in parables. and how to understand them.

We learned that we must conclude what the main element (or character) of each parable is and the major point being made.

Here is a brief outline of the parables unit.  All verses in Mark 4:
1-2 Narrative introduction
3-9 Seed parable
10-12 General statement about hiddenness
13-20 Interpretation of the first parable
21-25 Parables about hiddennness
26-32 More seed parables
33-34 Narrative conclusion

In the introduction we are informed that Jesus, due to the large crowds he drew, had to teach from a boat to those on shore.

Verses 3-9 The Seed parable

Is this story about the seed or the soil??  As we see in the explanation later in Mark, Jesus sows the Word everywhere...not just to "insiders"...and that fruit bearing is essential to mark the Kingdom of God.  In His explanation to teaching in parables in verses 10-12 Jesus quotes IS 6:9-10.  This gives us insight into the outsiders and the insiders.  To the insiders Jesus teaches in parables.  To the outsiders Jesus preaches in riddles.

February 7th!!!

In addition to being the Super Bowl Sunday...there is a lot of stuff happening!!!  First, right after class, will be the CSM parents meeting in the Rafters.  There is always some great information shared at these.  There are a number of afternoon activities at the church...and of course, the SPOT party at the LaRowes!!!  

Trivia Night

It's coming up!!!  Saturday, March 6th!!!  See you program from services today, or read a few entries before this one!!!

Prayer Requests

-Dani aksed for praise for God, and to thank Him for looking after her son Zach at Cape.  She believes that God will provide for him a job or a way to finish another year there in God's timing.
-Pray for relief efforts in Haiti.  Also pray for the missionaries that have found a bit of legal trouble in trying to provide for children there.




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