Thursday, March 18, 2010


 Bob Hohmeier asked that this activity be posted here.  Sounds like fun!

Tore, at Xtreme Paintball Park ( ) has offered us a great package price for any and all of us that would like to join in a half day of paintball. The details are as follows;

Saturday, April 10th, 2010 @ 10 AM until about 2 PM. (or longer if you’re so motivated)

$25 covers entry, air, gun rental, face mask and your first 500 paintball. Additional paint is $15 a bag of 500 or $55 a case of 2000. The rental guns are semi automatic and hold 200 rounds. You can be trigger happy and go through 200 plus rounds a game or wait until you have a “can’t miss” shot and use a lot less. I usually use less than 300 rounds a day, but I am especially conservative and play with a single shot pump gun. (if you wanted the challenge of pump play, I have several extra guns)

If you have your own equipment, you are welcome to bring it to use instead of the field gear. Be reminded, though, as a private group, we need to use field paint only. If you use your own gun, it needs to be tested and adjusted (chronoed) to shoot 280 feet per second or less. Be reminded, it is semi only. One trigger pull, one ball. No 3 or 6 shot bursts or full auto. The field guns are already set. For those that wonder, a hit to bare skin usually feels like a bee sting or being on the receiving end of a snapped towel. On occasions, it can draw blood. But that is rare.

What you need/should to bring;

Loose fitting, heavy bodied clothes that can get dirty. Long sleeves and pants are suggested. The paint is considered washable, but may stain. Loose fitting tends to cushion the “hit” of the paintball. Actual paintball jerseys and pants are borrowed from motocross clothing. I do have some extra jerseys and some old camo pants and shirts that I can lend.

Old camo is good, but will usually not give you much of its intended value of concealment, as there is not yet much green vegetation. You should also consider dressing 20 degrees warmer than actual temperature, as you hike, duck and move and adrenaline pumps, you’ll get hot! Layers are best. Above 50, I usually wear a short sleeve T-shirt under a jersey and that’s generally plenty.

An old ball cap to be worn backwards to protect the neck and help position the face mask. Maybe even mechanics gloves or ones that you still get a good “feel” with. If you think you’ll sweat heavily, tucking a sanitary pad inside the front band of your ball cap tends to keep it out of your eyes and helps prevent fogging of the goggles. (I won’t tell, as I do it frequently). Some guys wear knee pads, too. I don’t wear a cup, and getting hit there is a possibility, but rare. Not worth the discomfort to me.

We have had lots of rain and snow and the ground is often a little or a lot muddy. There are lots of small hills, so if you have any non metal spikes, it would be good. Smooth soled shoes are not recommended.

There is really no where to change other than a Johnny, so a covering for your vehicle seat and maybe grocery bags for your shoes is suggested. If you’re limber enough to still change in your car, you are truly blessed!

They sell micro wavesandwiches, soda and water at the park. You are welcome to bring your own food and non alcoholic beverages, though. Dominos Pizza delivers there also. They have picnic tables to set up on. They also have a large grille if someone wants to bring charcoal and meat to cook.

The field is less than 15 minutes from the JB Bridge. We could meet at Steak and Shake at Lindbergh and Lemay Ferry for breakfast at 8:30 and leave there at 9:15 to caravan or car pool to the field. You could also just meet at the field. It usually takes a half hour or so to set up and get familiarized with the gear.

I need a count, so let me know at least a week in advance if possible. The field needs to know so they can supply the proper amount of equipment and referees. Bob Hohmeier @ 314-541-7429 or

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