Monday, March 1, 2010

Sunday Update!!!

Lesson Recap

Continuing our series on the Book of Mark, we studied chapter 6:6a -56.  The lesson was designed to help believers express faith in different ways.

The Mission (verses 6b-13):  Jesus put the disciples in position where they needed courage.  He sent them out with nothing, so they needed courage to get through.  Both Jesus and the disciples taught and preached, they both also healed the sick and drove out demons.

Johns' Story (verses 14-29) are where we find John (Jesus' fore-runner) meeting his end at the hands of Herod.  This a also where we find the Great Commission.  We find it "sandwiched" , which is a method of writing in Mark that helps readers to better comprehend what Jesus wanted his disciples to do.

Dinner on the Grounds (verses 30-44).  Jesus was getting reports about missions when more than 5000 people showed up (not counting women and children).  This was the first opportunity Jesus the disciples the ability to teach faith.  When multiplying the fishes and loaves, Jesus chose the disciples to help him, when he could have easily done it himself.

Water Aerobics (verses 45-53):  The disciples were instructed to go to Bethsaida, when a storm knocked them off course.  The violent storm was calmed when Jesus stepped into the boat.  They were perplexed, and failed to comprehend what Jesus had just done.  At this point the disciples were "outsiders".

My Needs Your Needs (verses 54-56):  Jesus healed more sick people.  Jesus also stated that people can ask if they are in need.

Jesus' power and presence serve as a basis for every Christian to act courageously.  To walk in faith requires courage.

Trivia Night

Coming up quickly here on Saturday, March 6th.  We are still working on the movie basket.  Here's hoping the all class members have picked out a "popcorn" tag to help provide the goodies to go in the basket.  Also don't forget to come and join in the fun!  Details are on the bulletin board, or in earlier post on the blog.

Prayer Requests

- Don Massey has requested prayer for help balancing all of the demands of home and work over the coming weeks.
-Please pray for Cathy Boemler and her sons Chris and Derek as the lost their husband/father last week quite suddenly.  He died in his sleep.
-Kevin Hurt thanks everyone for their prayers for his surgery.  He also request continued prayers for healing from surgery.

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