Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday Update!!!

Lesson Recap

Today we finished our study of the Marks of Discipleship by concluding with Mark chapters 11-16.  Today's lesson, titled "Dead Man walking, was designed to help us answer the question "Why did Jesus have to die?"

Determination to Arrest Jesus-14:1-2 Here we see that the religious leaders want to arrest and kill Jesus.  They did not want to do this during the Feast as they feared a riot.  It didn't quite work out that way.  All that they tried to avoid actually occurred.  The WAS when they arrested Jesus, and the people DID riot!  They were definitely not in control of the situation...God was!

Anointing of Jesus-14:3-9 We looked at what appeared to be wrong or inappropriate in this passage.  This included the fact that the perfume cost a years wage, that they were at a leper's house, and the woman which is not named. Jesus' comment indicate that we should ALWAYS help the poor. It was a very extravagant act!  Even the jar was expensive.  As we saw earlier in Mark, this is an example of a believer giving everything of herself.  This means that all she has left is God.  Jesus praised this act as He saw it as preparing for his burial.  We also noted the prophecy that the Gospel is for everyone.

What's the Deal With Judas?-14:10-11 We discussed why Judas decided to give up on Jesus and sell him out.  The money that Judas was given was not that great.  So there had to be some other reason for the betrayal.  It may simply have been that Jesus was turning out NOT to be the conquering king that Judas and others sought...but a King of our hearts!  If someone as close to Jesus as Judas was can betray him, what is there to keep us from doing the same?

The Lord's Supper-14:12-26   We looked at what about this event is significant to us!

The remainder of the lesson was a brief recap of the Passion, which we will observe further during Easter services in church next week!  We see that Jesus really is God's Christ.  The consequence changed the world forever.  What consequence does it have for us?

Crazy Love

Starting the week after Easter, we will be embarking on a study of the book "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan.  The unique part of this study is we will be doing it at the same time as our kids.  This was we can all discuss the lesson and their impact all week with our families.  How cool!  The book is being given to us at a discounted price of $5 for the study.  We need to get a count of how many folks want a copy of this dynamic work to have for the study.  Please email to, or let Kevin (or Brooks) know by the week after Easter so that we can have these in place in time for the start of the study!  This will be truly a multi-generational that will be remarkable!

Poll Results!

Now that the two week comprehensive activity poll is over, the results were revealed today.  In second place came a Friday in the free seats for the Muny.  This leads to our next poll (which will be in next weeks folder!) of which Muny show we should see!  In first place was....

An Evening of Bowling!

Our next social event will be an evening of bowling and fellowship on Sunday, May 2nd.  This will take place at about 6 PM at the Brunswick Zone in Valley Park.  A sign-up list will be in next weeks folder.  Even if you don't bowl come and join us for the fun and camaraderie!  It'll be up your alley!

Prayer Request

-Pray for our finance committee as they guide us through the approval of our budget for the next year. 

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