Thursday, April 15, 2010


Don't be concerned -- reading SPOTmail does not create a taxable event.

April 15 represents more than just the tax deadline in the SPOTclass.
It's director KEVIN HURT'S birthday!  Gotcha, Kevin!

"Crazy Love" Chapter Studies Begin

Hopefully, by now you've picked up "Crazy Love," the little red book from which we'll be studying for the next 10 weeks.

This is not the Bible, so you can't claim you have it memorized. Try to actually read a chapter in the book each week so you'll be prepared to discuss the content.  Not only is there material to read, but you'll be prompted each week to go to the site to listen to author Pastor Francis Chan's personal perspective on each chapter, as well as some of his eye-opening illustrations.

This week, Chan tries to help us get a handle on how BIG God really is and abandon our tendency to minimize his significance in our lives.

This is a great class to invite friends to come to, as well as a good opportunity for Parents of Teenagers attending CSM to receive the same message each week that their teenager receives!

SPOTfun Polling Results

SPOTclass members voted to bowl, visit Fairmount Park, and see a show at the Muny this summer in the recently concluded SPOT Activities Referendum.

We'll start off at 5 p.m. on Sunday, May 2, bowling at Lakeside Lanes in Valley Park.  It will be two hours of noisy fun at a cost of roughly $5 per person (with coupons).  That also includes shoe rental and a pitcher of soda for every six folks in attendance.  So strike all the conflicts from your calendar and make sure you have time to spare for this special SPOT event!

This Sunday, we'll be wrapping up another poll to determine which Muny show we'll attend.  There are seven again this summer, from late June through early August.  Look for the Muny poll in the SPOTfolder this week.

Beauty and the Beast - Titanic - Darned Yankees - Cats - Sound of Music - Footloose - Showboat

  • 4/18 -- Zenobia Perry
  • 4/25 -- Karen & Rusty Phillips

SPOTlunch Drawing

This Sunday, we'll draw the location of the next SPOTlunch on Sunday, April 25.

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