Friday, September 3, 2010

The Mid-Week Update

Lesson Recap

This week's study was on Daniel.  We learned in our last study of Elijah that the nation of Israel had been divided into two separate kingdoms after Solomon died..the northern kingdom of Israel, and the southern kingdom of Judah.  When we take up this lesson, Israel had been defeated and many of it's people were now prisoners, which God allowed due to their disobedience. Today we looked at Judah, about 50 years after Elijah.

Where to Draw the Line: Daniel 1:1-17- When Daniel was a boy the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar invaded Judah.  Daniel lived in Jerusalem, Judah's capital.  The city and Solomon's temple were destroyed.  Many of the nobility and their children were taken to Babylon, including Daniel.  Daniel and some other children were to go through training to serve in Nebachadnezzar's palace.  Daniel knew that according to God's law he was limited on what he was allowed to eat.  He made a deal with an official.  He asked if he and his friends could only eat allowed foods for 10 days and them compare them to the other boys. The official said yes.  After 10 days Daniel and his friends were noticeably better looking.  Knowing that Daniel was in his mid teens, what does this tell you about Daniel?  About his parents?

Neck on the Line: Daniel 2:1-49-  King Nebachchadnezzar had a dream that troubled him.  None of his wise men could interpret it.  In his anger, the king ordered them killed.  Daniel heard of this and asked to see the king.  He asked the king to give him some time to grant his wish.  Daniel prayed and asked God to reveal the dream so that all would know the true God.  That night God answered Daniel's prayer in a dream.  The next day Daniel told the king, and he was amazed.  The king dropped down and paid Daniel honor and praised his God as the "God of gods and Lord of Kings".  Daniel was then place in a high position over the entire province of Babylon, and over all it's wise men.  What do you thing prompted Daniel to put his neck on the line?  What are some things our teens would put their necks on the line for?

Handwriting on the Wall: Daniel 5:1-30- Time has passed, and the king has died.  His son Balshazzar in now king.  He decides to celebrate with 1000 of his highest officials, and get a little smashed.  He decides to bring out the cups that his dad had taken from the temple in Jerusalem.  They all drank from them and praised their gods.  This ticked God off.  A human-like hand appeared on the wall of the palace and began writing symbols.  He got very scared.  He called in all of his wise men to read the writing, and none could.  This caused the king to get even more frightened.  His wife reminded him of Daniel and all he did for his father.  Daniel was brought in and told he would be greatly rewarded if he could interpret the writing.  Daniel reminded Balshazzar that his father had recognized that God was the one and only true god, and that Balshazzar should have known this and not disgraced God by using the cups from the temple.  After that Daniel read the writing that basically said the Balshazzar had been judged and was going to die.  Darius, king of the Medes invaded Babylon, and killed Balshazzar that very night.  Can you think of anything God considers holy that we should handle with care?

It's the Pits: Daniel 6:1-28-  Darius reorganized the kingdom.  He divided the kingdom into thirds.  Daniel, about 65, was given one of those given a section to be responsible for.  There was a guy who was a jerk, and he wanted to get rid of Daniel.  He comes up with a plan to trick the king.  He goes to Darius and tells him to come up with a decree that no one should pray to anyone other that Darius.  (The jerk knew that Daniel only prayed to God, and in public view!)  Daniel did not obey this law and get caught by...guess who?  Daniel is brought before Darius, where he sees that he's been had.  There is no way out of this new law..even the king.  So Daniel was sent to spend the night in a pit of hungry lions.  The next morning the king rushes out to see what is left of Daniel, and to see if Daniel's God has saved him.  He had!  Then Darius threw in the men who had tricked him and their families into the same pit.  The lions feasted on them.  Darius then issued a decree praising and showing reverence to the God of Daniel.  Do you think Daniel should have obeyed the new law?  Is it OK for our teens to ever not obey us?  How do we teach our kids to deal with jerks?

No Class

There is no class this upcoming Labor Day Weekend.  There is only one worship service at 10:30.

Root Beer Float Booth

We still need a few volunteers and donation to make our Root Beer Float Booth at the Fall Festival a success.  You can volunteer or donate in our weekly folder.  Please help make this ministry a success!

Prayer Requests

  • Christina Phillips had arthroscopic knee surgery last Monday.  Pray for healing.
  • Danie Cotter's mom Bobbi is having surgery today (Friday) a second time for heart ablation.

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