Friday, September 10, 2010

SPOTmail update...

Lesson Preview
Hope this note finds all well.  Seems so long since we last met.  The big event that has happened since our class last met is that "summer has officially ended."  Well, functionally summer is over, anyway.  How do we know that?  Because the summer series, Adult-Rated Bible Stories, has come to an end.  So, what's next?

For the next few months, we will study the letters Paul wrote to the church in Corinth.  But first, we are going to take a look at Paul, the man, who wrote the letters to the Corinthians and, of course, many others.  He was a remarkable person.

Just think how different the New Testament would look without his contributions.  It would be a short read, to say the least. 

Lori and I will be away this Sunday.  But like your teens' class, when the teacher is away, a substitute is on call.  So it will be this Sunday, but we hope you won't be one of the mice playing
-- hookey.

Brooks will be introducing you to a very comprehensive video on the life of Paul.  Since the Bible is the same now and always, it should be of little consequence that this video is on VHS -- perhaps our kids still remember what they are.  This profile on Paul will be a great tee-up to our series on some of his most important letters. 

Have a good class meeting and I'll look forward to seeing you again on September 19!


SPOTsnack Schedule

Sept. 12 -- Deckers (that's this Sunday)

Sept. 19 -- Stubbs

Holy Cow Root Beer Float Booth

Don't forget to sign up to help at the SPOT booth during Concord's Fall Festival celebration, Saturday, Oct. 2.  Look for the sign-up sheet in the SPOTfolder this week.

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