Thursday, October 21, 2010

SPOTmail Update!

Lesson Preview

Thanks to Brad Slinkard for filling in for me last week as we addressed the question of how to express love.  Paul's response in 1 Corinthians 13 is perhaps one of the most memorized chapters in the New Testament and is an all-time favorite at weddings. 

This week is our last Sunday in 1 Corinthians.  It is also the last lesson on "Questions Believers Ask".  The church in Corinth had lots of questions and didn't always like the answers they heard, but Paul always called them as he saw them!  Once again, the Corinthians are asking for help from Paul concerning the resurrection.  We will benefit from Paul's response as we toss this question around (not literally, please).  Once again, be sure to bring your questions with you. 

See you Sunday,


Oct. 24 -- Janice Meinhardt
Halloween -- Ginger LaRowe

Prayer List

Kevin Hurt -- having surgery for hiatal hernia on Oct. 28
Don Robbins -- recovering from unpleasant routine tests earlier this week
Class members -- absent in recent weeks
Teenagers -- adjusting to the challenges of living away from home 


This Sunday at Fazzoli's in Arnold -- pizza and other "fine" Italian cuisine.   (Complaints about this selection?  See Phil Stewart -- he drew from the bucket this week!)

Plans for a fall class picnic to be announced this Sunday!

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