Friday, January 28, 2011

Lesson Preview

What does it take to compromise?  Is compromise always good?  Try rearing teens without it!  Better yet -- what good marriage can exist without compromise?

You see, compromise consists of give-and-take .  Here is how it works in my house -- Lori gives and I take.  Yea, you really believe that one!  Now to get a little serious and more to the point:  Is compromise always a good thing?  If you say "no," then when is it not good to compromise? 

This Sunday, we conclude our lessons under the heading "Does My Character Count?"  The background material comes from 1 Kings, chapters 9:10 -11:43.  The lesson will concentrate on chapter 11.  Read it. 

Come to class with your observations and questions.  I'll do the same, only I'll probably have a few more!

See you Sunday,

Super Bowl Party!

Don't forget, you do have someplace to go for the Super Bowl this year.  The LaRowes will host the second annual SPOTclass Super Bowl Bash.  It appears the Green Bay fans may have the edge at the party on Sunday, Feb. 6, but we promise to be nice to anyone rooting for the Steelers, too. 

Bring an appetizer or dessert -- Brooks and Ginger will provide the beverages.               

Game time is about 5:30 p.m. and the gates open for the party at 4:30 p.m. 


We discovered that Neil Stubbs did not miss his calling as a Dairy Queen proprietor when we enjoyed our free ice cream dessert at Dickey's Barbecue in Fenton last Sunday.  The ice cream presented to Jeanette looked a bit more like a handlebar mustache on a stick than a mound of creamy soft serve on a cone, but it tasted good all the same!  Good try, Neil!

That was just one of the fun moments at last week's SPOTlunch.  Watch for the time and place of the February SPOTlunch and make plans to be there!   

Prayer List  (for details see the last post on this very blog!)
  • Zenobia Perry's cancer treatment
  • Liz Massey's recovery from eye surgery
  • The Proemseys and their babies
  • Radick family at the death of Linda's father
  • Susan Hurt's mother, Marilyn Mayer
  • Search for worship minister
  • Life groups

Snack List

January 30 -- Luthers


February 13 -- Zenobia Perry


The SPOTclass will be cooking and serving chili during CSM's Big Chill weekend on Saturday, March 19.  We're currently collecting money  to buy the necessary ingredients.  You'll find the envelope in the SPOTfolder this week.

If you have a favorite chili recipe, please pass it along.  We'll all team up in the church kitchen to prepare and serve the meal.  We want this to be a treat the kids won't

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