Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap

  Where's My Future Headed
2 Kings 23: 31-25:30
Bible in Context
     Last Throes 23:31-24:7-King Josiah was killed in battle by the Egyptian army, and his 23 year old son Jehoahaz became king.  After only three months the king of Egypt deposed Jehoahaz and installed another son of Josiah, Eliakim, whom the king renamed Jehoiakim.  Jehoaiakim's reign was evil, characterized by 1) excessive taxation to pay off the Egyptians 2) political instability as the king became a vassal of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. and 3) constant threats from border raiders whom the Lord sent against Judah as punishment for the sins of Manasseh.
     Complete Surrender 24:8-17-  Upon Jehoiakim's death, his 18 year old son Jehoiachin became king (remember this name!).  Three months later, the king of Babylon invaded Judah, besieged Jerusalem, took captive Jehoiachin and his family as well as thousands of leading citizens, and installed Zedekiah, Jehoiachin's relative, as a puppet ruler.
     Utter Destruction 24:18-25:21- Zedekiah's 11-year reign was also characterized as evil.  In his 9th year as king, Zedekiah rebelled against Babylon, leading Nebachanezzar to send his army against Jerusalem again and this time to tear down the city's walls, burn down the important buildings (including the temple), and confiscate all the treasures.  Nebachadnezzar executed Zedekiah's sons and other royal officials, blinded the king of Judah, and took into captivity the king along with more of Judah's citizens.
     Unacceptable Servitude 25:22-26- Nebachadnezzar installed Gedaliah as the leader over the remaining population, but Gedaliah fell victim to assassination seven months later.  Many Jews at this time sought refuge in Egypt.
     Hopeful Pardon 25:27-30-  Thirty seven years after being taken captive to Babylon, King Jehoiachin received a pardon from Evil-Meradach, the new Babylonian ruler.  Jehoiachin's life changed for the better, although he remained a king in exile for the rest of his life.
Believers find their ultimate hope in God.  But that does not mean that struggles, even severe circumstances, will not touch our lives.  Believers can have patience and confidence as God works in our lives.  Think of a time when it seemed that God was silent in response to your prayer.  How did you feel during that time?

Keep Hope Alive   24:12-56

Nebachadnezzar, King of Babylon captured Jehoiachin. king of Judah and deported some of the people of Judah.  Treasures from both the temple and the palace were lost representing physical, spiritual, and emotional loss.  We see that God was not surprised . In v13 we read that these events occured "as the Lord declared/predicted".  We also see that because of Judah's disobedience, God sent the army of Babylon to take the people captive.  In vv2-3 God promised that judgement was coming! We can know when bad things happen in our lives, God is not caught by surprise.  All of us have experienced some kind of loss in our lives.  Events may catch us off guard or knock us flat, but God is present in the middle of the loss.  We can keep alive our hope in God, even when we are faced with losing some of the precious things in our lives.  However, this does not mean we should minimize the pain we might feel when we face loss.

After Jehoiachin was taken into captivity, the Babylonians set up Zedekiah as a puppet king.  His reign is described as evil. Sin always has consequences.   God allowed the entire nation of Judah to be taken into captivity as the consequence of the sin of Zedekiah.  God still judges and punish sin as in the days of old.  What are examples of modern day sin and their consequences?  God disciplines His people, but ultimately the purpose of His discipline is to bring about good.  Consider Deuteronomy 30:1-3 and Jeremiah 46:25-28 to better understand the nature of God's discipline.

The Babylonians destroyed the city of Jerusalem.  They burned the temple, the king's palace, and all the homes.  The city walls were destroyed, and people were deported.  As the pagans were destroying the temple, do you wonder how they could enter the holy of holies without being killed?  The temple signified God's presence among His people.  When God allowed the temple to be destroyed, it indicated His departure from the people.  In the times of today's lesson, God's presence resided in the temple.  Today God's presence is in His people by way of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  God's presence was withdrawn from His people in today's lesson. God does not withdraw His presence/spirit from people today.  The Spirit can be quenched, but not withdrawn.  When we find ourselves in chaotic situations, we can keep our hope focused on God, even when others despair.   We must focus on God and His promises rather than on circumstances, and reflecting on the ways God has provided in the past.
After 37 years in a Babylonian prison, King Jehoiachin was release and treated kindly by Babylon's new king.  When we face discouragement we can draw hope from this story.  We all hope for a speedy end to our problems but we must remember, God's timetable is not always our timetable. Remember also that God was at work in the life of King Jehoiachin, even during what seemed to be a hopeless situation.  Things don't happen by chance or luck.  Think about the way God is at work in the details of your life.  We can know that God is at work even in the moments when we do not see evidence.

What challenging circumstances are you facing at this moment?  How can you live patiently and confidently while waiting for God to work out His plan?  Recall some of the challenging events you have experienced.  Have you seen God at work in those events?
Keep Hope Alive!!

Easter EGG-stavaganza Needs Cakes!!

They are looking for any kind of cake for the cakewalk..homemade, store bought...even a box of Twinkies will do!!  Contact Lanny at the church or via email at if you can help! 

Prayer Requests
  • Thanksgiving that Susan's mom is finally home after months of hospital stays and rehab!
  • Transition to permanent Worship and Fine Arts pastor.  

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