Thursday, April 14, 2011


Lesson Preview

Easter is quickly approaching.  I can almost hear Peter Cottontail hopping down the bunny trail.  As it relates to the church calendar -- this week is Palm Sunday.

Jesus' last week on earth was a week that changed history.  Amazing events took place on every day of the week.  It is my opinion that two of the most significant events happened on Sunday and Tuesday.  On Sunday, Jesus had his triumphant entry into Jerusalem.  It is my understanding Pastor Gene is going to cover this event in his sermon.  On Tuesday, Jesus had a family reunion of sorts.  Bible scholars refer to this as the Olivet Discourse.  You and I probably refer to it as the Teaching at the Mount of Olives.  One finds this teaching in Matthew 24-25. 

As we prepare to celebrate Easter, our lesson this week will come from Jesus' final discourse.  We will review Jesus' words through the eyes of those in attendance when he spoke.  We'll try to perceive it through the heart of Jesus.  And we will attempt to draw modern day application for ourselves. 

I anticipate sharing this experience with you.

Make It On Time

Another feature of the Easter season will be an effort to get everyone to church activities on time, especially the 9 a.m. worship service.  There will be plenty going on during the opening minutes of worship this Sunday and on Easter, so you don't want to walk in late.

This week, choir members will be encouraging folks to move to the Worship Center from the Atrium prior to, instead of during, the worship service.  No, those aren't switches in choir member's hands -- they're palm branches.   The Easter worship service has a very special opening emphasis, during which time the doors will be locked.  You snooze . . . you lose!

Concord Activities

  • Saturday, 4/16 -- Easter Eggstravaganza, 9-11 a.m.  (No charge)
  • Friday, 4/22 -- Passover Seder dinner, 6 p.m.
    (Last Sunday to buy tickets -- $10 adults, $5 7-12 years)
  • Tuesday, 4/26 -- Ladies Night Out, Genesis Banquet Center, 6:30 p.m.
     (Last Sunday to buy tickets -- $20)
  • Friday, 5/6 & Saturday, 5/7 -- Men's Weekend at Concord  (No charge)


4/17  Bradshaw

4/24  Easter Bunny (no class)

5/01  Hurt

Prayer List
  • Church's search for a full-time music minister
  • Zenobia's continued recovery
  • Kevin's Hurt's recovery
  • Susan Hurt's mother
  • Mary Jane LaRowe's friends (whose father committed suicide)
  • Lori Robbins' recovery from shingles

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