Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap

Twas the Week Before Easter
Matthew 24 

When you were your teen's age-what Easter tradition do you recall?  What Easter tradition do you now practice your teen will probably remember when they are your age?  Why do you think Christmas is more popularly celebrated than Easter?  This week we looked at the last week of Jesus' life.  We identified major events of each day.  The focus was on Tuesday's large gathering-it's a family affair.  We also looked at the event from three perspectives: Jesus', the disciple's and ours.
Sunday-triumphal entry into Jerusalem Mt. 21
Monday- clearing of the temple Mt. 21:12-17
Tuesday- Jesus answers his critics and teaching at the Mount of Olives Mt. 21:18-26,13
Wednesday-the plot against Jesus Mt. 26:14-16
Thursday the last supper and Getsemane Mt. 26:17-46
Friday-arrest, trial, and crucifixion Mt. 26:47-27,66
Saturday-in the tomb
Sunday-resurrection Mt. 28

Matthew 24:1-35

Jesus spent a good portion of Tuesday at the temple interacting with segment of the Jewish leadership.  It was more like a day long session of try to stump the Bible answer man.  A three year long contentious relationship between Jesus and the leaders is coming to a head.  Jesus ends the session with a condemnation of the leaders and judgement in the form of destruction of Jerusalem.  After the interaction with the leaders, Jesus and his followers leave the temple and stop for a rest on the Mount of Olives in route to Bethany.  This is where this lesson began.

1-3  Jesus has predicted the destruction of Jerusalem.  The disciples looking at the temple and other buildings with some stones measuring 40 feet long, 12 feet high, and 20 feet wide; find it hard to believe these buildings could be destroyed.
The disciples asked Jesus when the destruction of the temple and city would take place.  It was to take place at the judgement of Jerusalem.  Jesus told them that the signs that would forecast His coming would be the final judgement at the end of the world, and that the setting up of the Kingdom would signify the coming of the age.  Why do you suppose the disciples were corious concerning these matters?  Why should believers today be interested in these matters?

4-14  These verses reveal the characteristics of the entire present age from Jesus' ascension until His return.
  1. False christs
  2. wars and rumors of wars
  3. famine and earthquakes
  4. hated to the point of death
  5. apostacy
  6. false prophets
  7. loss of love
  8. preaching of gospel to all nations.

15-26 Coming Destruction of Jerusalem
  Jesus reveals how they might tell the coming destruction.  (Abomination to temple @150 BC when pig was sacrificed on alter & AD 70 Rome destroyed Jerusalem.) Jesus told them how they should act in view of the destruction by not believing or following false christs or prophets. Verse 15 is an invitation from Jesus to read His words and ponder it that we might recognize their fulfillment.  This invitation is for all disciples for all times.

27-31 The Coming of Our Lord
  Jesus describes His return with the speed of lightning, being visible to all, in or on clouds of glory, accompanied by a loud trumpet, mourned by the unsaved, and gathering all believers to Himself at which time He will establish His 1000 year rule in Jerusalem.  What comfort might this information provide for the 12?  And for believers today?

32-35 The Coming of His Kingdom
  A fig tree will forecast the coming of Jesus' kingdom.  The fig tree throughout history has been a symbol for the nation of Israel.  Verse 34 has been a stumbling block for many believers.  Jesus tells us the generation that sees the 'rebirth' of Israel will not pass away.  Israel ceased being a nation when Judah was taken into captivity by Babylon.  After WW II, 1948, Israel was classified as a nation again.  A generation is 40 years.  That means that Jesus should have returned by 1988.  Most Bibles have a footnote that the word used for generation can also mean race, or group of people, or nation.  Verse 34 can also read 'this nation Israel will continue to be a nation until I return.  No matter what hardships she experiences, I will hold her together as a nation'.  God is the only One who knows the time of the coming of the kingdom.  We are instructed to keep watch in light of verse 36.
  This Sunday we will celebrate the return of Jesus from the grave.  How can we 'keep watch' in preparation of this celebration?
In the words of Revelation 22:20, " He who testifies to these things says, 'Yes, I am coming soon.' Amen.  Come, Lord Jesus."

No Class This Week!! that we may celebrate Easter.  Family worship is at the usual times: 9 AM and 10:30 AM.  See you next week! 

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