Saturday, April 30, 2011


Lesson Preview 

Boy, so much has happened since we last met on April 17 and some of our choir members haven't been to class since April 10.

We will certainly take some time at the beginning of class to catch up.  Let's be prepared to share Easter stories.

Since we are in the Spring of the year and this is the time everything starts growing, I thought it would be a good time to incorporate a study on spiritual growth.  This study will come from Paul's letters to the church in Thessalonica.  We know them as 1 & 2 Thessalonians.  The title our study is "Good Words for Growing Christians."  So let's all get together, find our favorite SPOT in class Sunday and start growing.


Other Stuff

In case you missed it, this is the weekend of the 30-Hour Famine for many of our kids in CSM.  While the fast may be over, the need for support isn't.  You'll probably be hearing more about it on Sunday.

May 6-7 is the Men's Ministry Weekend at Concord with events planned for Friday evening and most of the day Saturday.  Check today's church bulletin for more details.  Several well-known retired Christian athletes will be in attendance to speak at the event and a special Andy Benes Cardinal jersey will be raffled off.  Benes himself will be on hand to autograph it for the winner on Saturday.

Prayer List

Carolyn Amen is seriously ill in the ICU at St. John's with what started out as pneumonia, but has evolved into a mystery infectious disease.  She has been semi-conscious and on a ventilator for several days, but doctors say she is improving. 

Colleges around the country are dismissing over the next several weeks, so pray for the safety of our students and families as they make their way back home with all their stuff!

Tornado victims both in the St. Louis area and throughout the Southern states.


Kevin & Susan Hurt are handling snacks this week, May 1.

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