Saturday, June 18, 2011

SPOTmail Express!!!

So far in our unit, "Consider Where You Are Going", we have discussed the topics of: what is your goal in life and what hope do you have.  As a refresher, our goal is to live in such a way that we will be as holy as possible when we meet Jesus.  Our hope comes from our relationship with Jesus and knowledge that when we die we go to spend eternity with him.  This week we will address the question - Are You Ready?  The study will be based on 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11. 

As I write this lesson preparation note I have to admit that I am not ready - but it's not Sunday yet.  Come Sunday at 10:30 I have every expectation of being ready.  How about you?  Something tells me this is not the type of readiness Paul will be talking about.  See you Sunday as we check it out. 

Finally, the friend I mentioned in class last week was ready when the call came.  She went to meet Jesus this past Tuesday evening.  Enjoy walking on the streets of purist gold Debbie!


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