Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Late Mid-Week Update!!!

Proemsey Reception

SUN., AUG., 28,2011,  4-6 pm, Atrium -- Join CONCORD as we say “THANKS!” to Jeremy and Sarah Proemsey for their service in CONCORD Student Ministries at a reception hosted by the Personnel Committee.

Browniepalooza 2011 coming up on 9/11/11 at our new class time of 12:00 PM.  Be thinking of your favorite brownie recipe to share withe the class!  Details in the right hand column of this Blog!!!

Door  Hangers

We are still looking for folks to help with the door hangers on 9/4/11  right after the only service.  We will be hanging door hangers to inform folks around the area about Concord, and our new service times.  We will need people to take 25 door hangers into neighborhoods and put them on doors.  We are also looking for drivers to get these people into the neighborhoods! A hot dog lunch will be provided just prior.


  • 8/28 LaRowe

Prayer Requests

  • Susan's mom is out of the hospital and is in rehab.
  • Pray for the youth as they attend Breakaway.  Pray that the Spirit moves them.
  • Continued prayers for Linda Conrad's sister and her fight against cancer




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