Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap

Do What?

What aspect(s) of forgiveness is most difficult for us to practice?  What aspects of forgiveness are confusing to us? Not including Jesus' what examples of forgiveness can you recall?  The connection between forgiveness and grace is that forgiveness is always given out of grace.  See Eph. 4:32. The gospel is a message of forgiveness.

Let's look at one of Jesus' parables dealing with forgiveness.  Read Mt. 18:21-35 where we see one man's debt forgiven but he refused to forgive another's.  We've got a problem!  Jesus would have done good to stop at verse 34.  What are possible explanations for v 35? Therefore, it is to be expected that those who receive the forgiveness that God offers in the gospel, those who call him "Father", will display something of his character and show a forgiving attitude to others.  What does this parable teach about forgiveness?

When the disciples asked Jesus how to pray he responded with the model prayer.  Read Mt. 6:14-15.  Did you catch the astonishing statement at the end?  It sounds like v35 in chapter 18!  Perhaps this will help us understand Jesus' intent. 

Follow these statements using the diagram below.
  1. Where there is a genuine response of love, then..
  2. there will be a forgiving spirit, and where there is a forgiving spirit, then
  3.  there will be a still greater appreciation of God's forgiving mercy, and
  4. still greater love in consequence!

Read Luke 7:36-48 where the woman washes Jesus' feet with her tears.  Did she love so much because her sins are forgiven-or is it that love and forgiveness set up a chain reaction as above?
  1. The more forgiveness then
  2. the more love, then
  3. the more love
  4. the more forgiveness!
Does it sound like we're suggesting Jesus forgives some sinners more for salvation than others?  Consider the Pharisee that felt he needed little to no forgiveness.  He showed Jesus little to no love. The woman perceived she needed much forgiveness, so she poured out much love on Jesus.  In telling his story this is exactly the point Luke was wanting to make.

Look at forgiveness in other ways...
Of Enemies
Mt 5:43-44
Lk 6:34-37; 17:3-4 

By Giving Of Self
Pr 25: 21-22
Mt 5: 39-41

A Condition Of Divine Forgiveness
Mt 6: 12-15 (18: 21-35)
Mk 11: 25

Spirit of Results in Blessing
Rm 12: 14
1 Cor 4: 12-13
1 Per 3: 9

Disallows Retaliation
Pr 24: 39
Rm 12: 17,19

Disallows Rejoicing
Pr 24: 17
Conclusion: What aspect of forgiveness do you need God's help with?

Browniepalooza 2011
...will be on Sunday, September 14th during class time.  It will be the same as last year.  Bake your favorite recipe of brownies.  Save some for your family and bring the rest to share at class!  Milk will be provided!  This was a blast last year so be sure to be there!
Class Outreach
Watch in the coming weeks for new ideas on how to create new opportunities for the class, and way to help new members get acquainted with both the church and Connection classes!
Prayer Requests
  • Susan's mother remains in the hospital with an abscess and an infection.
  • Sally's upcoming wedding.  Pray for Ginger's sanity and Brook's checkbook.
  •  Pray for the youth as things change and they come under new leadership.
  • Pray for Sarah and Jeremy as they start a new church.

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