Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap

Growing Pain 16:2-34

No one knows for sure, but it is possible that God's law and decree here are the same that is given later on Mt. Sinai.  This fits human learning and development-hear something first, then have it written for long term memory.
God gives them a "if-then' agreement in v26.  If they would listen and obey then He would not treat them like He did the Egyptians, but would heal them.  Heal can mean to literally make you well, but it can also refer to God's forgiveness and restoration of His favor. Whatever the law and decree was, it is clear God's purpose was to prove or test Israel.  This begs the question-is it fair for God to test us?  Look at Jas 1:12, Heb 11:17.'

In what areas of life do you find it most easy to complain or grumble?  It is human nature to complain when things do not go as planned.   In this weeks lesson we saw that the Israelites were no exception.

Growing In Loyalty 2-4
The main complaint lodged by the Israelites in this situation was a lack of food.  This was indeed a valid concern, but was not a valid complaint.  After all...they had seen God's divine power in Egypt, at the Red Sea, and at the waters of Marah.   God did not condemn them BUT promised to meet their need.  He chose to provide for the need in the manner in which He did to draw the people's attention to Him and prove His faithfulness.

What is something you know will happen this week?
What do you base this certainty on?
We will see that God was trying to build that kind of confidence into the lives of His people.
Growing in Confidence 11-15, 18
God provided for the Israelites with both meat and bread.  Though the meat was a one time event, the bread was an ongoing provision/blessing.  His goal in meeting their need was the same as His previous miracles, such as the rescue from Egypt, crossing the Red Sea, ans His guidance of cloud by day and fire by night.  He wanted them to see His glory and experience Him so they would be willing to trust Him more freely.  God met their needs completely, and this is important because He wanted to build the Israelites confidence in Him.  Care=Confidence When we understand God's care for us it becomes much easier for us to have confidence in Him-even when life doesn't make sense.  How can we apply this principle to our relationship with our teens?

Growing In Testimony 32-34
Here the Israelites put some of the manna in container.  This is important as it allowed them to share God's activity with future generations.  Think about these questions:
  • How much do my teens know about my spiritual journey?
  • How much do my teens see me developing my walk with the Lord? 
  • What significant thing has God done in my life that I need to share with my teen?

Knowing God cares gives us confidence in His faithfulness and leads us to confess Him to others.

SpookNik coming up on Oct. 30th after class (noon thirthy-ish) at Fenton Park shelter number 2 (same as last year).  Time will be altered should the parade for the World Series Champion Cardinals interfere!  Maps will be available in the SPOT folder this week!


  • 10/23 PERRY
  • 10/30 LAROWE
Prayer Requests
  • Brian Mulder, our new worship pastor!!
  • Kayla Ellege, former Concord intern in China 
  • One of Susan's co-worker's lost a child week.  Pray for Mark and his family.
  • Jeanette has joined the ranks of the unemployed.
  • Travel as college students return from fall break.
  • Kevin's MRI shows no major damage, just a lot of swelling.  He will see the orthopedic doctor on Friday.

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