Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Mid-Week Update

Lesson Recap
There Be Giants 13:26-31 &14:6-9, 17-23

Summary of Background Material: The events described in this background passage reveal a weak faith displayed by the majority of  the Israelites. Small failures of faith culminated in a critical act of unbelief, resulting in one of the saddest examples of a lost opportunity in history.
10:11-36 This section describes the preparation and procedure for the Israelites journey from Mount Sinai to Canaan.  The Israelites moved in  an orderly manner following the God-given cloud that indicated the direction and speed of travel.
11:1-35 Israel revealed a lack of gratitude when they complained about God's miraculous provision of manna.  Their demands for resolution of disputes led Moses to ask for help in administering the nation.  Seventy elders were appointed to assist him.  God supernaturally provided quail to supplement the diet of manna, but then He had to punish the people for their gluttony.
12:1-16 This section focuses on criticism of Moses by his sister, Miriam, and brother, Aaron.  God rebuked Aaron, and Miriam was punished with leprosy.  Moses interceded for his sister, and God healed her.
13:1-14:45 This passage describes the sending of 12 scouts into Canaan in preparation for invasion "Ten were bad and two were good.: Ten of the spies returned with a negative report and warned the people not to enter because of the size of the inhabitants and the strength of their fortifications.  Only Joshua and Caleb urged the people to overcome their fears and to obey God's command to enter. God punished the disobedient by declaring they would not be allowed to enter Canaan.  Then an attempt to enter the land after the announced judgement proved disastrous.
15:1-41 This section includes various laws regarding sacrificial offerings.  The people were warned that no offerings were provided for intentional sins.  An example of punishment for Sabbath violation was given as a warning.  The Lord commanded the Israelites to sew tassels for their garments in remembrance of His salvation.

In our lesson this week, we studied how Joshua and Caleb stood courageously. against a majority who failed to obey God because of fear.  Our challenge is to follow in their example as we face challenges and fears in our obedience to the Lord.

Moses has selected 12 scouts representing the tribes of Israel for a mission. They entered Canaan and scouted the vast area over a period of 40 days.  They have returned home and we are about the hear their report.

What Prevents Obedience?  13:26-31
What keeps people from obeying God?  Look at vv 1-3 & 17-20.  Does it appear the scouts overstepped the bounds of their assignment with the opinion they gave in v 31?  God had already indicated He intended for Isreal to possess Canaan in verse 1.  The scouts viewed the situation from the perspective of what they were able to do on their own strength.  Leaving God out of the equation, they found themselves afraid and unequal to their enemies. When was a time God enabled you to overcome an impossible looking obstacle in your life?

What's Good About Obedience 14:6-9 
What did Joshua and Caleb see that the other 10 did not?  Why do you suppose their report was in contrast to the other 10?  Based upon this account we see that worry and fear are the opposite of faith.  The 10 scouts registered their negative view in 13:28,31.  Joshua and Caleb refuted specific negatives in 14:6-9.(/1/31-we can not go up against the people, 8-He will bring us into this land...and give it to us /2/31-they are stronger than we are; 9-do not be afraid of the people of the land /3/28-cities are large and fortified; 9-their protection has been removed.  What is the difference between worry/fear and concern?  The presupposition of worry is that we are on our own without any divine help.  Concern takes into account the divine, but acknowledges the how, when, why, where, or who.  Joshua and Caleb were basically asking "What does God want us to do" rather than "What are we capable of doing"  What reasons did the two give for obeying God? Spiritual growth, spiritual rewards, closeness to God, fulfillment of our purpose are just a few benefits of obeying God.

In the following verses God displays two characteristics of His nature-justice and mercy.
How Does God Handle Disobedience? 14:17-23
God's divine character of justice is displayed when the people were not allowed to enter Canaan, but Joshua and Caleb would enter Canaan.  God's mercy is displayed when He forgives their sin and allows them to live.  Being disobedient may cause us to lose out on God's blessing.  We can seek and receive forgiveness, but we will probably never regain what we lost through disobedience. What does this statement communicate to you?
Truth: We can courageously obey God, even in fearful circustances, because God can always be trusted to keep His promises.

Conclusion: God does not call us to obey Him in our own strength,  We are reminded in 14:9 'the Lord is with us".  Therefore, regardless of my circumstances and fears I will trust and obey God's word.

Trivia Night coming up on March 3rd.  We will be putting a basket together for the silent auction, probably either a movie basket or a car care basket.  We can toss the idea around on Sunday.  Also, think of folks or businesses you know that might help by donating a gift card or services!


  • 2/12 Hurt
  • 2/19 OPEN
  • 2/26 OPEN

Prayer Requests

  • Amy, a neighbor of Janice, is in the hospital.  Test being run for low blood count. 
  • Zenobia is having surgery on her hands tomorrow.  Pray for a successful surgery and recovery.

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