Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Mid-Week Update!!

Lesson Recap

Philippians 1:12-26
Lift Up The Gospel

Quick Recap: Paul wrote the letter to the Philippians, and he wrote it from jail. He wrote the churchi n Philippi to thank them for their partnership, to let them know that he was doing well, and to settle some issue within the church.

In this lesson we saw that while Paul was in prison, he told others about Jesus. His example encouraged others to also share the good news with courage.  However-some were encouraged, by Paul's circumstances, to "preach" the gospel with false motives.  And finally, Paul states his belief that his trial would result in acquittal.  But either way, he was in a win-win situation.  He was torn between going on living so that he could help the Philippian Christians and dying so that he could be with Christ!

Some opportunities only come once.  Think of some once in a lifetime opportunities.  Think of one you missed, and how you felt about missing the one you missed.

Opportunities to share the gospel is unique-they have eternal consequences and are orchestrated by the Holy Spirit.  All of us have missed opportunities to share Christ with someone at some point in time.  In this lesson we saw how Paul's imprisonment, which could have impeded the gospel, actually served to advance it!

In Limiting Situations 1:12-14
How is this situation limiting to Paul sharing the gospel?  Look at verse 11.  There you will see Paul's attitude about his circumstances.  What can you and I learn about this?  How can we be bold regardless of our circumstances? 

In Imperfect Situations 1:15-18a
What imperfect situation of sharing the gospel is referred to in these verses?  How did the other "preachers" attitudes affect Paul?  How did the other "preachers"  attitudes affect the spread of the gospel?  What are some less than perfect situations in our life?  How can you and I make use of these situations to spread the gospel?
In Stressful Situations 1:18b-20  
Paul's not knowing whether he will live or die creates a stressful situation for him.  However, his perspective concerning his future is to honor God regardless the outcome.  How do you think it was possible for him to honor and rejoice Christ in his circumstances?
So that was Paul-what about us?Stressful situations come in a variety of shapes and sizes; job loss, terminal illness, car accident, or even a week with the flu.  While most of us cannot identify with Paul's prison time, we would agree that it is difficult to rejoice in the previous stated circumstances.  How we handle ourselves in the midst of these events can be a real testimony to people around us.  Just something to think about.

In Unresolved Situations 1:21-26
Few, if any of us, will ever know if we will be released from prison or not.  But we all face unresolved situations.  What are some examples of some?
Look at verse 21.  What do you think Paul means by this statement?  Secondly, do you agree with Paul's declaration in this verse?  Why or why not?
Because of his imprisonment, Paul did no know if he would live or die.  His future was a mystery.  As followers of Christ, we recognize that life is a gift.  While we cannot know the future any more than Paul could, we rest in the assurance of eternity with Christ.  Paul was firm in his conviction that, whether in life or Death, his desire was to point others to Christ.  What an example for us to follow!

Conclusion: If Paul can find an opportunity to share Christ while in prison-certainly God can show me how to share His love with others in my life.

SPOT Lunch...

...will be this week after class at Chili's.  We will decide on the location when we see who is going!

Quote of the Week

“May our lives, our words, and our faith reflect that men and women need look no further, He truly is the One.” – Mike MacIntosh
    • 4/29 Phillips
    • 5/06 Meinhardt
    • 5/13 Bradshaw
    Prayer Requests
      • Janice's daughter Claudia is off her chemo.  Pray that her blood count stays down so she can stay off the chemo.
      • Pray for Ed's son's friend who was injured when he was hit by a car bomb in Afghanistan.  Now he is getting sent back there.

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