Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Mid-Week Update!!!

Lesson Recap

Philippians 4: 1-23
Never Let Up

Recap: Last week we were encouraged to view events from a heavenly perspective.  The Philippians remembered that Paul was thrown into prison while among them.  This would appear to be a pretty negative experience and certainly no something a pastor would want to put on a resume.  But in the book of Acts we read how God used that experience and the head jailer and his family came to a saving knowledge of Jesus as a result!

In This Lesson:  Paul's passion was spreading the good news about salvation through the Messiah-Jesus.  He alluded to issues going on within the church-by reminding them that we help spread the gospel by behaving in a consistent Christian manner.

What are occupations where consistency is crucial?  What happens when people in these occupations are inconsistent?  What are the implications or consequences when we are not consistent Christians?

Look at the first set of verses and look for instructions that Paul offered for resolving a conflict between two women.

In Getting Along 4: 1-7
Before we address Paul's instructions, let's first answer the question-what causes conflict within the church?  What instructions did Paul offer for resolving the conflict between Euodia and Syntyche?  Paul calls for a like mind, and asks Syzgus (possibly a name, or Greek for 'yokefellow') to mediate the dispute?  Why do you think Paul would give this instruction? In vv4-7,Paul offered step for Christians to guard our hearts and minds. They are to rejoice, be gracious, don't worry, and pray about everything.  That sounds good in theory.  So, what are specific ways to implement these instructions?

In Practicing Virtues 4: 8-9
Let's identify and define 8 virtues Paul mentions in v8. 
  • True
  • Noble
  • Right
  • Pure
  • Lovely
  • Admirable
  • Excellent
  • Praiseworthy
In v9 Paul urged them to follow his example.  Think about this one-who is following your example?

In Being Contented 4: 10-13
Paul's bottom line in these verses is to always be content.  In v 11 Paul says "I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances."  As the Philippians read this, what would they have known about Paul's circumstances?  Look at 2 Cor. 11:24-28 for details.  His contentment was not in his circumstances, but in his salvation to follow Christ.  Last week Gene told us a story about a hymn writer, Horatio Spafford.  He wrote, "It Is Well With My Soul."  Consider the story behind the hymn.  How would you compare Spafford's response to his circumstances with Paul's?  Why do you think 4:13 is a favorite verse for so many people?

In Trusting God 4: 14-19
God used the Philippians in a few ways to meet Paul's needs.  They sent money on more than one occasion, and the sent Epaphtoditus to aid him.  Paul trusted God completely because he had experienced God's supply in multiple circumstances, and in multiple ways.  Basically, the same reasons your teen trusts you!
Does God still meet His followers needs?  Consider situations where God has met a recent need in your life.  How could this be used as an opportunity to point others to Him?  How could this situation be used to bolster your teen's faith in God?

Conclusion:  We are being observed by the outside world and those close to us.  Therefore, I will never let up in my efforts to spread the good news by behaving in a consistent Christian manner.

Quote of the Week
"Sin would have few takers if its consequences occurred immediately." -T.W. Purkiser
Just For Fun!!!
submitted by John Billings

I once made a remark about the hidden books of the Bible.
It was a lulu, kept people looking so hard for facts, and for others
It was a revelation. Some were in a jam, especially since the names
of the books are not capitalized, but the truth finally struck home to
numbers of readers. To others, it was a real job. We want it to be
a most fascinating few moments for you. Yes, there will be some really
easy ones to spot. Others may require judges to help them. I will
quickly admit it usually takes a minister to find one of the 17, and
there will be loud lamentations when it is found. A little lady says
she brews a cup of tea so she can concentrate better. See how well
you can compete. Relax now, for there really are the names if 17
books of the Bible in these sentences. (One preacher found 16 books
in 20 minutes. It took him three weeks to find the seventeenth one.


  • 6/3 LaRowe
  • 6/10 Hurt
  • 6/17 Stanfield
Prayer Requests
  • Phil and Ginger's sister Jane-surgery and multiple health issues   


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