Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Mid-Week Update

Lesson Recap
Keeping The Truth
Colossians 2: 8-23

Intro to Lesson: This week we continued our study in Colossians.  Let's refresh our memories.  Paul would go to a town where he would connect with a recipient group of people.  He would start "Bible" studies.  Some would accept Jesus as savior and a church would be started. The church in Colossae was different.  Paul never visited Colossae.  The church there was believed to have been started by Epaphras.  The main theme of this letter was truth.  The overall study of Colossians is designed to help adults develop an understanding of Christian truth.

In books, television documentaries, interviews, and even movies; we hear some pretty wild views about Jesus.  What are some false claims you have heard about Jesus?

Epaphras gave Paul a thorough update of the status of the church in Colossae Form this, Paul learned of the false teachings being circulated.  In this lesson, we saw how Paul encouraged them to maintain their commitment to the truth of Christ.

You may have heard about the 3 "R"s' studied in school:reading, writing, and 'rithmatic'. This lesson highlighted 4 "R"s' for responding to false teachings-recognize, remember, resist, and refuse.

Recognize 2: 8-12
Why is a Christian's careful study of the Bible vital today?  Why is verse 9 critical to an accurate understanding of the Trinity?  What change in our lives is pictured by baptism as seen in vv11-12?  After baptism it is a believers responsibility to walk with God and act like Him in our actions and attitudes.
Remember 13-15
Look at the action phrases in these verses that tell what Christ has done for us.  How would you explain these words/phrases to an unbeliever?
Resist 16-19
What specific issues did Paul address in these verses?  V19 describes a fatal defect of a false teacher.  He has no accountability and no relationship with Christ.  How does holding on to Christ and staying connected to the church help us resist falling for false teaching?  By asking the question 'is this consistent with the teachings of Jesus', believers can discern between an important tradition of the faith and an unreasonable demand.

Refuse 20-23
In v20, "If"=sincere or because.  In this verse Paul states the problem.  Jesus died to set them free from the regulations of the Jewish faith.  So he asks this question-why then were some choosing to fall back under the rules and regulations for which they had been set free?
In verse 21 Paul gives three examples of regulations the false teachers had taken to the extreme.  They asserted that for believers to be ritually clean and truly religious, they could not handle, taste, or touch certain foods and drinks. In verse 22 Paul states these "forbidden" items were temporal and had no spiritual value.  The regulations were developed by men and did not come from God.  In verse 23 we see that these self-imposed regulations had a "show" of spirituality/wisdom.  This outward expression of devotion could not change the center of people's lives.  Only God through Jesus could do that.  these verses are referring to legalism-self-imposed practices to help a believer feel or appear more spiritual than they are.
What is the danger involved in becoming legalistic?

Conclusion: Being able to recognize false teachings about Jesus is important for all Christians there fore, I will continue my quest to discover and keep the truth about Jesus by_________________ .

Quote of the Week
 “There is no battle too big for God to win. There is no battle so small that I can win without God.” –Kerry Shook

SPOT Night at the Muny scheduled for this Saturday night to see 'Thoroughly Modern Millie'.  The class is sitting in the free seats.  The show starts at 8:15, so I imagine 6:30 or 7 should be fine to meet up. I will not be able to attend as my wife (read transportation!) will not be home.

Eagle Project
David Piel is working on his Eagle Scout project.  He is going to finish the playground behind the atrium.  The project is scheduled for July 14th.  He needs $1000 to complete his project.  David and the scouts of troop 821 will do the final work. A flier and an envelope for donations can be found in the SPOT folder. 

  • 6/24 Perry
  • 7/1 Phillips
  • 7/8 Stubbs
Prayer Requests
  • Prayer of praise and thanksgiving that Ryan Spitz came through brain surgery great, and is due to come home soon.

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