Friday, November 20, 2009

Cookie Marathon

The addresses are in, the dough is in the works, and those wonderful convection ovens in the church kitchen are warming up for the cookie baking marathon this Saturday beginning at 1 p.m.

Once again, we'll be baking for college students throughout the country who will receive their fortification of yummie confections just in time for semester finals. The cookies will be packed and frozen, then shipped November 30.

If you're looking for an afternoon of fun, join the SPOTclass chefs. Taste-testing is a fringe benefit of this ministry. (Note from the chefs: If you're not baking, STAY OUT of the kitchen!)

If you know of any students away at school, Friday, Nov. 20 (that's probably today) is the deadline to get those addresses in for this SPOTacular event. Please email student addresses to

Lesson Prep

This Sunday will be week nine in our video series "The Hurried Family". We will deal with the subject of giving the gift of rest to our marriage. A family's ability to maintain calm and confidence in the middle of their hurried schedules is contingent upon the parents maintaining a healthy relationship. In our session we will discuss points like:
• Resist the poison of comparison.
• Make sure you understand what love requires.
• Make sure you implement the three crucial ingredients for successful love
and certainly the application will be targeted to parents of teens.
• If your hurried schedule permits, read the following passages in preparation for our discussion: Ephesians 5:25-30; Genesis 2:24-25; Proverbs 31:10; 1 Peter 3:7b.
Advent starts next Sunday, November 29. The 29th will also be the final session in our Hurried Family video series.

Hope to see you Sunday,

Thanksgiving Service

Don't forget that Concord's mid-week worship this week is Tuesday (November 24) at 6:30 p.m. There will be no activities at the church on Wednesday. No other mid-week activities are planned -- that's right, no dinner at church this week either.

The Christmas Party SPOT

The first-ever Christmas SPOTclass Shindig is planned for the Hurt's home on December 6 beginning at 5 p.m.

No black lights, no bell bottoms, not even tie-dye fashions, but Kevin promises the music will take you back . . . assuming you can still remember that far back!

Contemporary appetizers will be acceptable fare for the event, however. More details are forthcoming, so check out the SPOTfolder when it passes this week and watch your email box.

Don't forget to gather your recipes for root beer nog or a refreshing root beer punch. Please email your best ideas to

Christmas Project

The SPOTclass is collecting items for the Missouri Baptist Children's Home in the festively decorated box in our classroom. If we fill the box, we'll find another one. A comprehensive list of the items the Children's Home is seeking is included on the new class blog. Check out

Prayer Requests

Send prayer requests anytime to
• Pray for actors and vocalists performing in this year's Christmas show, Imagine the Wonder. We want everyone in the audience and on the stage to be blessed.
o Performances Friday, December 11, 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, December 12, 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, December 13, 2 p.m. Tickets are $5 and are now on sale.
• Susan Hurt's secretary is recovering from a stroke. Pray for her and her family (and that Susan will be able to find everything in the office).
• Pray for the safety of all hunters throughout the season, as well as their travels (not to mention the unsuspecting deer).
• Rich Conrad had a tumor removed from his scalp area. All is well!!
• November 22 - Janice Meinhardt
• November 29 - Jeanette Stubbs
Don't forget to watch for the results of the SPOTclass blog poll (or should that be the blog class SPOTpoll) on Friday. And be sure to check out SPOTblog at www.thespotsspot,

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